Questions Only thread

Would you judge me if I said yes?

Aren’t people usually charged first before going to court?

Do you really want to get me going on what I have to instruct clients before their first court appearance?

Speaking of lusting after a hot teacher, how about STILL lusting after a hot teacher I had over 60 years ago, who was murdered 30 years ago?

Depends, are you lusting after said teacher’s appearance over 60 years ago, or are you, a la Halloween, lusting after the teacher’s appearance today?

Ew, what, you mean like a zombie, ex-living, ex-hot, ex-teacher?

Do you know what kind of image that creates in my mind?

Can we just change the subject?

Sure, what do you want to talk about?

So, you don’t Love the Dead? How about Cold Ethyl?

Is necrophilia considered cracking open a cold one?

Is it wrong that I cracked up at @Siam_Sam’s joke?

You were being egged on.

Only because you need to get laid.

Isn’t the answers only thread elsewhere?

I know, right? Did we really just have two non-questions in a row?

Aw, hell, did I do that again?

And shit, did I do the same thing?

Those guys can’t resist a bad pun, now, can they?

Is there any other kind?