Questions Only thread

Would you mind if (choose your current heartthrob) was wearing it?

Couldn’t you just remove it if you did?

Do you think she’d giggle as I did so?

Are you talking about Keira Knightly again?

Who else does he ever talk about?

Or should that be “About whom else does he ever talk?”

Isn’t that what’s always on the Knightly News?

How many puns is this thread up to now?

Do you really feel like counting?

Can we agree that there are plenty, and leave it at that?

could we say that they’re pluniful?

Do seven days without a pun make one weak?

How can you top that?

You’ve got me pretty well figured out, haven’t you?

But Is Keira Knightley pretty well figured?

Well, she’s not exactly zaftig, is she (not that I mind in the least)?

Wasn’t Zaftig a Woody Allen film?

Do you dream about Keira nightly?

Do you dream about Keira’s nightie?

Do you dream about Keira without her nightie?

Dear Lord, would you all please stop distracting me by these enticing visions of Keira Knightley, please?

Or not?