Quit Spoiling the Book You Fucking Bitch

I found the online reading group, you were about to read a book I was interested in, so I joined. It’s a very long book (800 pages/small print) and so the book had broken up into sections, so much to be read each week, which seems sensible enough.

I read the first week’s section (Chapters 1-5) and then the discussion started. Everyone else wrote about the first week’s section - except you. Your post was entitled “The Characters Thus Far” or something like that. And the first paragraph was about the characters thus far. The second was a long examination of a character I hadn’t read of. Now, admittedly when I read, I skim from time to time, but there’s no way I could possibly have overlooked that much. I flip forward and find that you’ve written a dissertation on a character who is not even introduced until chapter 20 fucking 6 (on the schedule five weeks later). How she is a “character thus far” is beyond me. But now, I know not only too much about her, but too much about the other characters and their interactions with her. Thanks a lot. I wrote you and asked about this and got the reply “Oh, she’s toward the beginning, you’ll get to her soon enough, I think.”

A week passes and this time, everyone manages to limit themselves to the chapters assigned. But you can’t let that go on, because on week 3, you need to tell another plot point. I’m guessing you feel it’s exciting. This time, I write to the entire group and ask whether spoilers are allowed. (I’m new, I’m trying to be polite). You answered saying that people didn’t spoil the book. Apparently, you were unable to see where you’d done exactly that, being blind to your own faults is common, so I thought I’d let that be enough. And it was. For a few weeks.

And then monday. I did the reading. I opened your post. The first paragraph was interesting. The first sentence of the second paragraph was a major spoiler. The second sentence was the words “This happens in chapter __” Two weeks beyond where we were reading. (I stopped reading the post right then) You knew that you were spoiling the book. You knew that that spot hadn’t been reached on the schedule yet. This was not a simple “I’d thought we’d gotten to that point already” mistake. This was deliberate. This was rude. This was intentional. All you had to do was type “Spoiler” That’s it. That’s all. Or you could have waited and posted that particular essay once we’d reached that point of the book. But no, why do that when you can reveal the plot of the book? That way you get to be the one to tell. That’s probably the most exciting thing of your week-isn’t it?

So, yeah, I blew up at you publically. It pissed me off, and IMHO rightfully so. From previous behavior, I knew that privately requesting it would be meaningless to you - you’re way more concerned with what others think of your behavior than you are of your actual behavior and so that’s the only way to get a point across to you. I called your behavior incredibly rude. I asked to please, please use spoiler space when you’re about to reveal a further plot point. I hardly used strong language. I didn’t even use any profanity. And now, you have the fucking gall to whine to me that I made you uncomfortable and have “ruined” the group as I have now scared them out of posting anything.

WELL THAT WAS THE POINT, IDIOT. I want you to to feel uncomfortable. I want you to think before posting. I want you to quit spoiling the damn book. I realize you think it’s an incredible burden to limit yourself to the first 40 chapters - but I know you’re capable of exactly that, as you did a beautiful job of that when we were at chapter 15. As for the group, they really didn’t have reason to worry, as they weren’t fucking spoiling things. And still aren’t. And they’re posting just as much as before. It was just you.

So, stop it. Not being the one to inform everyone what happens next will not make you any less special. That’s simply not possible.

Not bad. Now the next step is telling the person what you just told us.

I hope you’re not trying to spoil the ending andros.

It’s all about that feeling of knowing you know more than someone else. Lording it over them.
The problem is that it’s fleeting. It’s why I don’t try to find the inside scoop to everything.
Imagine if someone came up to you and said “Guess what? I was the one that found out the plot twist in The Phantom Menace six whole months before the movie came out!” You’d probably pat him on his head and tell him he must have had a wonderful 15 minutes of fame over that one.

She’s a man.

He’s his father.

It’s a sled.


andros - I did.
I didn’t even use 4 letter words.
her answer was dismissive, rude, and nasty. She ridiculed me for being obsessed with details. (Major plot points are not details. Dress and food descriptions are details, storylines are not). Apparently, in her world you need to reveal future plot points to have fun and adding “SPOILER” destroys the “insouciance.”

Yes, she used the word insouciance. No, I’m not surprised. But really, who the fuck does that in common conversation?

Enderw24, I actually wouldn’t mind that - i’d just smile and pat him on the head, someone tells me that they know what’s going to happen in Attack of the Clones, the same. No problems, so long as they stop there and don’t tell me what’s going to happen in the return.

Fuck you. I know, this is your big place, the arena pay attention to you, read what you write, even flatter you on your supposed depth. Obviously in real life, you get the validation you deserve - that is to say none. But here, you’ve made a place where you can be important, very important and to keep it up, you keep giving away plot points. And I know you’re fuming that anyone would dare question your delusions of importance.

I would call you stupid, goat-fucking bitch. I would tell you to pull your head out of your ass so that it will be easier to fuck yourself on your way to hell. But, those kinds of insults don’t matter as much to you. So instead I will go with - you are not a nice person. You are rude. You are uncivil. You are discourteous. You are thoughtless. You are inconsiderate. And, most importantly, everyone knows it, they’re just too polite to say so in front of you. Pity you’re not as polite. As for your writing, it’s bad. It’s really bad. Having a great vocabulary is something that a person should be proud of. Using the great vocabulary in every single phrase or clause (not sentence, phrase) is overkill, and it doesn’t make you look more knowledgeable, it makes you look insecure in your knowledge. You’re about as deep as a melted icecube. Most of your “amazing” thoughts and revelations could have been lifted straight out of the personal journal of the average 12-year-old girl, who is mistaken in thinking she’s advanced for her age. It’s inane chatter punctuated by your overuse of multi-syllabic words, misplaced french and latin phrases, and your pathetic imitation of humor. Or, at least that’s what I think it is - as you consistently not only fail to be funny, you are also obviously incapable of understanding humor when you read it.

I’m sure you know all of these things already. I’m also sure that you think that no one else notices them. They do. They all know exactly how pathetic you are.

I wouldn’t worry about it, unless she’s spoiled the best part right near the end where Mor–

The butler did it.

amarinth, I understand and applaud your calling this insensitive asshole out for violating the reading group’s rules about spoilers. It goes against the whole point of reading the book and discovering its intricacies for yourself! :mad: But I also wonder why after the first time you discovered she was spoiling stuff you didn’t just opt to not read the comments she posted. Perhaps that’s what other folks in the group are doing. I get the sense that she won’t stop being an ass anytime soon, even though you’ve called her out for it. Just don’t read anything she contributes to the group. Granted, I’m not in this group, and I don’t know how things are set up there, but this is my $0.02 FWIW. :slight_smile: