[I have no idea if this will work in this medium - here’s hoping!]
Like Battleship, but a word game.
I have a 5x5 grid, labelled as so:
…5…6 …7…8 …9
Each coordinate contains a letter, with no letter appearing twice on the grid. So, each letter appears once only, and one doesn’t appear at all. Reading across each row and down each column produces five letters of gibberish, with one exception - one row, or one column, contains a valid word.
Placers guess a coordinate (ie, 25, 07, etc) and I shall reveal the letter at that location. The game continues until someone guesses the five letter word contained in the grid. Anyone can jump in with a guess at any time.
Scoring: Not that important since this is more of a test of concept round, but players lose a point for incorrect guesses of the word. Players get points when the word is correctly identified, by scoring 1 point for every “blank” coordinate still on the grid. If the entire word is revealed before it is correctly guessed, players get zero points. Otherwise you will never guess.
This is really a two player game, but hopefully it will work with all of you versus me.
Final remarks: the word is a geniune word commonly used in modern English. It is not a name nor is it slang. Also, it is obvious that the word contains no repeated letters.
The 2 row isn’t COUGH, since the O is in the 3 row – I’m pretty sure there’s no other five-letter word it could be (no proper names, right? which would eliminate CHANG, CHENG, etc.).
Followingtwickster’s remarks, which were not corrected by the OP, can I ask for some clarification - is the 5-letter word spelled out in order, or is it an anagram of the letters in its row or column? Seems unlikely, because you’d have to check most of the other rows and columns for unintended anagrams.