Raiders of the Lost Ark revisionism

They portray Nazis and Thugees as if all of them were evil with no redeeming qualities, ignoring all of their positive contributions to society.

Riiiiiiight, because as we all know, big-budget versions of b-grade action serials are the proper place to play up the positive aspects of Nazism . . . :rolleyes:

That’s pretty dang funny if it’s a joke. I’ll be spending the rest of the day wondering what “positive” contribution the Thugees offered to society. Shorter lines at the mall?

Waitaminnit. So Temple of Doom is supposed to have occured before Raiders? Is that ever said outright? I’ve seen all three a ton of times and never realized that… :confused:

It’s common knowledge that Temple of Doom is a prequel to Raiders.

Temple of Doom isn’t an Indiana Jones movie. I don’t know what it is or what Indy was doing there, but it’s not an Indiana Jones movie.

I hate ToD.

I’m not sure, but I think at the beginning of each movie the year is shown. Temple of Doom is set earlier than Raiders.

Yeah, I think Temple of Doom is a “prequel”

Definitely a prequel. I remember an interview with Harrison Ford where he said he was X years older, asked to play the same character x years younger.

Plus, Raiders is so much later that Indy flies over Thailand. :smiley:

Well whattayaknow…
At least now no one will be able to accuse me of being “common”. :smiley:

[sub]Yes, it is quite comfortable under this rock. Thanks for asking[/sub]

There’s a parallel universe where some really good Indiana Jones movies were made after RotLA. It’s not this one. Temple of Doom and Last Crusade have a couple of good moments, but are mostly chaff. Temple of Doom speaks for itself. Last Crusdae is just a weak rehash of RotLa, with the emphasis on “weak”. Watch it again and see how often you hear the triumphant Indy theme when nothing overly exciting is happening - as if they’re trying to fool you into thinking it’s exciting. And the trap sequence at the end is just silly, for so many reasons.

I would love to have RotLA on DVD (even though it’s shown on cable every other weekend) but the others I can easily do without.

You cheat, Dr. Jones!

If it’s poor memory, then we have the exact same problem. I remember this distinctly…the knight says something about how on some days, he despaired, and on those days he did not drink from the Grail, and he aged a year each day he did not drink from it. They must be editing that out.

I’ve never seen that line. Could it have possibly been in a teaser in 84 and never made the film’s cut?

Pedant - he could have been old when he found the Grail, or he could have tried crossing the desert with his brothers and turned back to guard the Grail when age began to touch him.

—“The Grail can never pass beyond the great seal. That is the boundary, and the price of immortality”, implying that one sip from the Grail is not enough, and that you do need regular doses.—

I have a friend who vehemntly denies this theory, insisting that Indy and his father are immortal. But if that were true, then this particular line by the knight would be hilarious: “The terrible price of immortality is traveling to this shitty desert, walking through all the medevil traps that Indy broke, and drinking out of the Grail. But you can’t take the now worthless (to you) Grail home with you as a souvenir! Oh the horrible price!”

Is there a transcript of the movie online somewhere, perchance? I feel better knowing that at least some other people actually have a vague recollection of this line.

You have chosen wisely. But the
Grail cannot pass beyond the
Great Seal. That is the boundary
and the price of immortality.

From Sci-Fi Scripts

“This film has been edited for television.”

You can’t compare a DVD or VHS version with the commercial ridden dubbed over lets cut in the middle of the scene versions on TBS or USA Network.

“He chose… poorly.”

What a great one-liner, if rather smug for such a dignified character.

I saw Last Crusade in the theaters when it first came out, and I’m sure that the knight didn’t say anything about having to drink from the Grail every day. He just said that “the Grail can never pass beyond the great seal. That is the boundary, and the price of immortality.” I took this to mean that you could go anywhere and still be immortal, but the Grail had to stay in the temple.

Once what’s-her-name took the Grail beyond the great seal, Indy and his dad lost their immortality. The knight probably lost his immortality as well, and probably died of old age soon after.