Rant too weak?

Huh? I don’t get this

If Two and a Half Inches of Fun had put ‘*Fuck *Roger Federer’, would it have passed muster? Admittedly, it might have been better in MPSIMS, but I didn’t realise that there is a grading scale for pissedoffness in the pit.

[Al Pacino]Consider the source son…[/Al]

My feeling about that is not so much that the OP was not “angry” enough as that it just wasn’t detailed enough. The OP could/should have given the reader some indication of exactly what behavior/incident he was pitting, or something like that. fluiddruid could certainly come along and tell me I’m wrong (and then I could pit him for it :wink: ), but that’s my impression.

Well, there is, actually. From the Pit FAQ.

“Tepid” pretty much describes it. Plus, annoying lack of detail–I would have had to Google Federer to find out who he is, and make an educated guess at what act in particular so moved the OP to open a thread about it.

I still don’t know. And, I don’t care–if the OP can’t be bothered to give any details about what exactly he’s pissed off about, then I can’t be bothered to traipse around filling in the blanks for him, either.

Well, yes, you’re right about tepidness. Mea culpa. I should have RTFM.