Ready for a relationship?

Hi Everyone.

It’s been three months since my breakup. I know one day I want to try again and find the right person for me. I’ve been getting over my ex, though some days it is still difficult. Seeing a therapist has helped. My therapist even said that I have been developing good coping strategies (keeping busy, journaling, scheduling short grieving sessions when nobody is around, eating healthy, reading, and making time for socializing). She said that I don’t need to see her anymore. I’ve also been listening to some great podcasts regarding relationships. I feel I’ve learned alot more about how to be a better partner, and how to be a better listener.

I’m not sure if I’m ready quite yet to date. I feel somewhat apprehensive with the future of my career in question. I would like to meet someone when I have a little more direction (even though I am fully employed at the moment). I’ll be VERY busy with a correspondence class and a night class after Christmas. I’m so busy…the time doesn’t seem right…or does it? Will the time ever really be right? I think my head is in a better place to make decisions about who would be a good fit for me. But since I’m so busy, I’m concerned I wouldn’t be available to someone as much as I should. Maybe I’m putting the cart before the horse? My therapist said I shouldn’t assume so much what other people are looking for.

How did you know you were ready to date again? I’m content with myself again (in fact I’m really enjoying the freedom of single life) , and I don’t feel desperation to be with someone. But I do want to have a family one day, and the only way I’ll get there is if I get back on the dating circuit. Any advice? My inclination is to wait until summer when my night classes are finished.

Right now your dance card is filled with commitment to you, not somebody else. I wouldn’t be worrying too much about relationships.
Which doesn’t mean you have to be alone at all. As much as you’re out and about you’re bound to be interacting with people who share some of your interests. Group get-togethers, casual coffee, small-budget matinees are some great ways to socialize. And if some encounters end with a little under-the-sheets activity, who’s to be the wiser? A “declaration of undying love” isn’t required. Just be kind. Always be kind.
And one of these days you may be bowling a frame with a co-worker or cohort and think “OMG, I love this woman.” That’s when it’ll be time to think about a relationship. IMHO