So, I ended up having to run to the gas station over my lunch break. I was wandering the aisles, looking for the soda I needed to get, when, lo, but my eyes alight on something awe-inspiring:
Bacon, Egg and Cheese Combos.
Now, Combos are kind of a guilty pleasure food for me. I don’t really like them. I hardly ever have them. I hadn’t for years, and, when I tried them lately, it was the salsa tortilla one, which really wasn’t horrific. But when I was a kid and young teenager. . .man, but I loved those little fuckers.
I also like bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches. Especially the ones from Panera. Yum. So. . .I kind of figure I’m honor-bound to buy this product.
I open it, and I immediately regret my decision. Oh. My. God. The stench. It smells like vomit. Like smokey, rancid vomit.
So, of course, I try one.
It tastes of grease and salt. That’s about all I can say. Very bland. And I can’t help but wonder. . .who the HELL thought this was a good idea? I mean, seriously. Bacon? Sure. Cheese? Yay! Egg?
Who wants an EGG flavored snack? Yucko.
Anyone else try these, or have a similarly bleh experience?