OK, I am responsible for the day-to-day testing and implementation of online order entry with an online vendor. This will replace our current server-based order entry system (which has been officially on deathwatch for several years). We have one segment already in place, and the production and billing problems for that segment are running pretty smoothly.
However, the first segment is very easy and uncomplicated. Other segments are much more complicated, in ways that the vendor of choice does not handle well, or at all. Therefore, a number of decisions, which affect a number of departments, need to be made. I am not high enough to make any of these decisions myself.
And herein lies the problem. I am having trouble getting anyone who is on a decision making level to pay attention to the fact that these decisions need to be made before we move forward. I have sent several emails to a small group of the people who should be interested, including my boss, and not one has even so much as responded to acknowledge that they read it or understand anything in it. I have spoken to my boss twice and gotten airy promises that she would get something together, but nothing has happened.
There is no question that I am responsible for making this project work, but I can’t do it in a vacuum. This will be the last thing I do before I retire, i would like to be remembered for a success not a disastrous failure.
I am now ready to send one last email, saying something like this:
"I have already sent several emails on this subject, and have had zero response. Please understand that this project is going nowhere further until you people step up and take some responsibility for the decisions and the outcome. These questions must be answered now, and then a steering committee needs to be organized to make further policy decisions as they come up.
- Are we continuing with this vendor or do we want to look for someone better?
- etc.
One last time, someone please indicate that they actually care about this project and get back to me about what should be done next."
Note that I don’t care about burning bridges or hurting someone’s feelings or making them look bad (not at that level). But I also want to be effective in getting some movement, and not make enemies uselessly. Therefore, if you can suggest alternative wording or action, or a different attitude on my part, I’m ready to hear about it.