Recommend some “girl drinks”?

You remember, that Kids In the Hall sketch where the guy was an alcoholic, but only drank Blue Hawaiian, so he was a Girl Drink Drunk! :tropical_drink: I’m going on a mini-vacation soon, and I want to have some festive cocktails. Besides Blue Hawaiian, Mai Tai and Singapore Sling, what are some fruit juice-based rum or tequila drinks? (Not pina colada. In fact, nothing with coconut.)

Strawberry Daiquiri. You can use a different berry. Here’s a recipe, if it helps.

Thank you, but I’ll be drinking at a hotel bar, so no need for a recipe. Should have said, “…and that a bartender in a not-a-resort hotel would know how to make/have the ingredients for.” Daiquiris are yummy, though!

It’s not your rum or tequilla, but there’s always your champagne and orange juice, I forget what you call it.

Some girls like drinking Scotch whisky straight out of the bottle. It’s festive, anyway.

Mimosa! I think we can have those at brunch.

Amaretto sours.

Cosmos, of course.

Don’t forget about all those creme drinks like pink squirrels, banshees, brandy Alexanders, and grasshoppers.

If you need help sleeping, order an AMF* or two–looks like Windex, tastes pretty good, kicks like a Missouri mule.

*Stands for “Adios, Motherfucker!”

A Garibaldi made with freshly squeezed blood oranges is pretty flash.

Back when I bartended, I made a shit ton of money from groups of drunk chicks who wanted shots, but didn’t know what kind. I’d make up a batch of carrot cakes.

Equal parts, shaken:
Butterscotch schnapps

Tastes just like a carrot cake. Suuuuuper sweet though. Hangover fuel. Don’t drink more than like 2 or 3.

I’d forgotten about Hurricanes! Nothing with sours, though.

Don’t like carrot cake, but butterscotch schnapps sounds delish, and might go with something else.

No creme drinks though; never liked those. Never had a Cosmo; are they sweet?

What’ s in a Garibaldi besides orange juice?

So what I’ve got is:
Blue Hawaiian
Singapore Sling
Mai Tai
Daiquiri (strawberry or otherwise)

B.J. Shots were popular back in the 80s. The proper way to shoot one is to wrap your lips around the shot glass and throw it back, no hands allowed. If it is your first one you should put a cherry on top.

“How to Make a Blow Job Shot: 7 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow” How to Make a Blow Job Shot: 7 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

Fuzzy Navel – Peach Schnapps and OJ. The proportions? Who cares! I advise keeping Tums handy.

They look pink, and taste like vodka. They’re really good!

Lemon drops
Blue lagoon
Midori sours
Tequila Sunrise

Wiki says:

A cosmopolitan, or informally a cosmo, is a cocktail made with vodka, triple sec, cranberry juice, and freshly squeezed or sweetened lime juice.

It’s just sweet enough. They go down very easy. It was the drink of choice for the gal pals on Sex and the City.

Mojitos are very nice. Again from Wikipedia:

Mojito is a traditional Cuban highball. The cocktail often consists of five ingredients: white rum, sugar, lime juice, soda water, and mint. Its combination of sweetness, citrus, and herbaceous mint flavours is intended to complement the rum, and has made the mojito a popular summer drink.

How about an appletini?

Or you could step back in time about a half century and order a Harvey Wallbanger, but not all bars will have Galliano. (Basically, it’s a screwdriver with Galliano added.)

Another choice – Sex on the Beach – orange juice, cranberry juice, vodka, peach schnapps.

For the record:

Kids in the Hall, to me, were a modern day Monty Python.

To me, the closest we get today are, The Whitest Kids U’Know.

Seems to be a fading art which is a shame. Great comedy.