how do i deal with princess leia leaving me to date luke when i was frozen in carbonite (temp. relocated)?
please dont say the following:
meet a new girl (not looking for that)
beat up the guy (im a better guy than that, plus thats just gonna make me look like a dick
what did you do to get your mind off it last time you had a major break up?
I don’t think there’s much you can do to solve the problem.
As for taking your mind off of it…I usually listen to a lot of music, play a lot of videogames and watch a lot of sporting events. Although there is a point to be made for just dealing with it instead of taking your mind off of it. I mean, you’re going to have to sooner or later, right?
I don’t know how serious your question is, but I’ll offer the following. Once upon a time, I experienced a messy, awful, etc. end of a relationship with a woman that left me somewhat agonizingly preoccupied with the utter ARGHHH! of it all.
It didn’t help that I worked with her.
So, I started skydiving.
Believe me, pal, that’ll take your mind off of anything alse when you start. It also probably bumped my then-flagging self-esteem, introduced me to new people, gave me a chunk of reality totally unrelated to the old reality, etc.
im quite serious, she always refered to me as han solo which in turn made her my princess leia. its really funny that sky diving was brought up, as i thought the same thing. not only would it cure my fear of heights and flying eventually, i would be able to get my mind off of her.
im not trying to solve the problem just aleviate the pain in my chest and the urge to punch things.
and yes the big hairy copilot contributed to it, there was always a “bad idea friend” who she hated. even though all her friends were bad idea friends. im trying to come to some kind of “if shes happy with him, then im happy because all i wanted was for her to be happy” but i just want to spit on him. i made her a mixtape that i had all intentions of mailing to her , but at this point it seems to be helping me cope with it more so i may just keep it.
she told me to move on because life isnt a movie, and i told her that its tough to lose a part of me that makes me more than whole and she just said “its a little too late for melodramatic outpours, maybe you should have told me these things while we were dating”
im just worried about whats gonna happen to me when i see them together. i cant stay locked up in my room , so i know im gonna run into them as they go to the same places me and my friends go.
im gonna try skydiving and lapdances and which helps more. any other suggestions are greatly appreciated.
If (b), you need to ask youself, “Why do you want to be with someone who doesn’t want to be with you?” She is an independent sentient being who is following her own path. Whether or not she is making wise decisions is open to discussion, but you cannot make her decisions for her. You get to choose your own path.
Ummm. I just re-read the OP. I didn’t answer your question. Sorry.
It’s hard to offer the right advice without knowing what pains you. Is it the loss of her love? Not being with someone in general? Feelings of betrayal? The hurt of being rejected?
Without going into additional detail, the more I’ve loved someone it’s more difficult getting over them… until I found someone more fulfilling. Not what you wanted to hear, but sorry… it’s a fact.
its losing her after all these years to someone who is my close friend that is bugging me.
she wants to be with luke so im letting her be with luke, but it still hurts, im trying to tell myself she is happy with someone else. but it still hurts
I hear you. I recently went through this myself. Went through several stages, resentment, anger, doubt, self-loathing. Next stop acceptance.
Normally I wouldn’t put this out there, but seeing as how we’re in practically the same city (I’m in KCMO), and in similar boats. If you need a drinking buddy to mull it over with, send me an e-mail. (Don’t feel compelled to accept if you don’t feel like it.)