Remember How I Was Sick? Remember Me Getting Better? Not Quite.

Yesterday, I began the antifungal drug. Paid for by the HMO.

Perhaps it’s the placebo effect, but I feel better already. :slight_smile:

Many warm thanks to all those who posted here. :slight_smile:

As for those who didn’t… I got somethin’ for you, too! :stuck_out_tongue:

As you can see, I’m getting back to my usual self…
With reasonable good fortune, I shall never be obliged to update this thread again.

I’m glad you’re feeling better!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Yeah, I thought that HMO would see it our way. :stuck_out_tongue:
Yay you’re feeling better! :slight_smile:

Fanday-umntastic Bosda! It sounds like you are on your way to recovery.


Good to hear Bosda.

Yay for your health!!

Yay fo medication!!

Yay for HMO!!

Yay for titties!!
I know this has nothing to do with titties but, by gum, I’m gonna cheer for them anyway

::waves titty flag:: :smiley:

w00t! Congratulations!

Keep getting better! Health is a GOOD thing!

Excellent news! Here’s hoping that things work out this time!