Remember How I Was Sick? Remember Me Getting Better? Not Quite.

Perhaps I picked the wrong smilie to indicate bitter sarcasm, probably because I assumed you knew of the pitfalls of socialized medicine that I was making reference to.

You have a chronic lung infection, probably staph based, that requires urgent surgery. The surgeon you saw won’t touch you, and you had to endure a 2 week wait for him to say no. You’ve been refered to a pulmonary surgeon, and will have to endure yet another wait of 2 weeks to a month, without antibiotics. Meanwhile, the alien in your chest grows larger.

What’s not to understand? Is that not like having to wait 10 months to see a Canadian obstetrician when a standard pregnancy is 9 months long? :dubious:

(I’m on your side, Bud)


Any news on the surgeon front, Bosda ?

Still working on it.

My Pulmonist is talking about canceling any future antibiotics.

If he does that, I’ll be back in the ER in a week.
:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

Tomorrow, I go to the Thoracic Surgeon.

1 PM.

He’s affiliated with Centennial in Nashville, so he’s probably good.
I hope to get into the hospital soon.

Thanks for the update, Bosda. I don’t know what Centennial is or what it has to do with anything so I’ll just nod and smile appropriately.

::nods:: :slight_smile:

Here’s hoping it will all be over soon.

Take Care.

Good luck! Hope it works out.

Good luck, Bos.

Best wishes from here.

There isn’y going to be surgery at all! :eek:

The Thoracic Surgeon told me today that the “abcess” is actually an inflamed lymph node, and the initial diagnosis of Histoplasmosis was correct.

The inflamed area is too near the heart & the aorta to risk operating in this situation.

However, he contacted my physician, & told him about a new antifungal drug that should be everything I need.

My Pulmonist was unavailable today, so the prescription gets set up tomorrow.

I don’t see any reason to believe I won’t be well on my way to recovery very soon.

That is GOOD news…I hope this treatment works.

Woohoo! That’s good news. Sounds like you are on the right road.

So glad to hear it can be fixed without surgery after all!

Good luck, and a speedy recovery!

Hi, Bosda D’Chi of Tricor. I don’t know you, but I’ve certainly read your posts many times and I’m so glad to hear that your situation may be looking up!

Having dealt WAY too many times with the anguish of watching a pet deteriorate, I don’t want to make light of your kitty dilemma. I nonetheless am moved to observe that this may be the ONLY time this sentence has ever been written anywhere:

Good to hear, Bosda, and I hope you’re on the road to recovery. It just seems silly though to have gone through so many stages for it to be this simple. Oh well, at least it is over now.

Hey, that’s a very nice break! Congrats Bosda!


: Does the Peanuts Happy Dance :

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Excellent! I bet that’s a huge relief.

Today, my HMO refused to pay for the drug, which goes for $389 (US) per bottle.

My Pulmonist is appealing, but I won’t hear anything until at least next Thursday.
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Oof. Talk about your good news/bad news.

I’d have your pulmonologist send medical records, including lab results, and explain to the HMO that $389 a month for a prescription is a hell of a lot cheaper than surgery. Make sure the pulmonologist tells the HMO in graphic detail the risks involved in doing the surgery in the first place.

HMOs love “cheap” on general principle, and if you can set your appeal up on that basis, it’ll (usually) work.


And if MsRobyn’s good sense method doesn’t do it, tell them a 5’2" woman from Florida will be there directly to put a foot up his ass. :mad:

Cheap bastardo HMO’s.