Rescue me. Worth watching?

This is just going to start on TV over here. Is it worth a watch? The whole 9/11 thing in the trailer “9/11 brought them together and tore them apart” turns me off to be honest. I just have images of guys shouting at the camera “I’M A FIREMAN, THAT’S WHAT I DO”

Some of the actual clips look ok though. So anybody watch it in States? Should I give it a chance?

It’s actually pretty good. The first ep, they make a big deal about 9/11, but afterwords, they barely talk about it, aside from comments like “Damn, I got so much pussy after 9/11, now we don’t get any!” and like when a cop pulls him over, saying you guys will have to actually be normal people, or whatever.

Cheers. Is the balance between drama and soap handled OK? There was a British fireman show called London’s Burning which started off fine but went very soapy after a while the drama of being a fireman was second place to who was screwing who etc?

I’ve never seen so much sex on a TV show. It’s really good though. I taped every episode and I’m patiently waiting for season 2.

The guy who plays the cheif, was a firefighter IRL.

Fun little show. I highly recommend it.

It’s starts tomorrow and doesn’t clash with anything I follow so I’ll definitely give it a chance then.

I like it too. Denis Leary is perfect. Is he playing himself, kinda? The secondary characters are interesting too, particularly the older guys. (The young hunks sorta blend together.)

Rescue Me and Nip/Tuck were just about the only TV I watched last fall.

I really fell in love with the show, and I’m not entirely certain why. I disagree with most of the character’s actions and words, morally and politically. Yet each of them has redeeming qualities in a realistic way, not at all typical TV characters.

I think it’s worth watching.

Dennis Leary is pretty great in this. I’m glad to see him in this kind of role.

I really enjoy this show. Leary has a knack for capturing that particular working-class energy that most television shows completely screw up. It’s a serious show with serious subjects, but what Leary gets right is how the people with this serious job cope on a day-to-day basis with the grim reality, mostly by goofing around and playing grab-ass with each other. (His short-lived cop show “The Job” was great for the same reason.) So there’s a lot of humor, but it’s a sort of desperate humor, if you know what I mean. Plus the cast is amazing.

Give it the first two or three episodes. If you’re not hooked, it’s not to your taste, and that’s nobody’s fault, but at least give it that much time.

I’ve seen a few episodes. Unfortunately I’ve seen them out of order, which is kinda confusing.

My take on it is, if you like Denis Leary, you’ll probably find it worthwhile to give it a try. Offhand, I can’t think of anything I’ve ever seen Denis Leary in that I haven’t liked him, even if the movie/t.v. show wasn’t of the same quality. This year I picked up The Ref on DVD to add to my Christmas collection, and I thought he was about the only watchable part of Wag The Dog as the Fad King.

From the few episodes of Rescue Me that I’ve seen, though, I thought the aftereffects of 9/11 seemed to be running constantly through them starting at the beginning with Denis Leary’s character regularly seeing his firefighter cousin who had been killed at the World Trade Center. Maybe because I haven’t seen them in order, or nearly all of them, I haven’t observed what EvilHamsterOnCrack was talking about.

A friend of mine who’s a pretty big Leary fan thinks that he’ll keep soapiness outta the show, if that’s any reassurance to you.

Yeah this looks like it could be good. Leary is very good in it. In fact I’m liking all the cast. The writing in also very snappy.

Bribing the kids was very funny.

I have so much respect for Dennis Leary because of this: Leary Firefighters
I grew up in Worcester and was living less than a mile away from the fire which killed Leary’s cousin, along with 5 other firemen. Leary has done so much for firefighters with his organization.

It was because of this that I knew the show would be good. I wasn’t dissapointed. It was touching to see his character’s relationship for his fictional cousin.

I wasn’t really a fan of Leary’s acting before this show but he does an excellent job. Unfortunatley, I don’t usually get to watch it anymore.