Return of the Describe the Next Doper thread (Game)

False, I won’t tell you guys either. :wink:

TND has had sex in a bar parking lot.

SSG Schwartz

False. :frowning: Sigh.

TND is a television actor.

No, but I play one on TV.

TND has a barbed wire collection.

False…but I do have a square nail collection…oh, so close!

TND wears nipple rings/studs.


The next doper has had at least one sexual experience that he/she regrets.

True, but then, hasn’t everybody?

TND frequently has dreams in which s/he is of the opposite sex.


TND has a car that needs a trip to the repair shop.

True. My brakes are beyond bad.

The next poster has something moldy in their fridge.

Technically true. Restoring a 48 Chevy.

Grmph… Simulpost.

Also true. Something living in the fridge.

TND hates scary movies.

Nope. I’ve seen lots of Tom Cruise movies.
TND is a vegetarian.

TND has already placed an order for bacon salt.

False, but it’s tempting…

The next doper is female, but often assumed to be male on the forum.


The next Doper has had sex with someone they would never even consider introducing to their friends and family.

No details or pics, you guys are like family to me!

TND is a secret slob…


It’s no secret.
TND has a name that ends in a vowel.

TND hasn’t read a single Harry Potter book.

True. Well mostly true, I started one of 'em but couldn’t get past the first chapter.

TND does not make their bed on the weekends.

True, but hell, I don’t make my bed during the week either.

TND has attended one Major League Baseball game.

SSG Schwartz

True, one and only one Brewers game.

The next doper to post has eaten a picnic in an unusual place.

If by “picnic”, you mean “any food eaten outdoors”, sure - I’ve had many a snack or trail lunch on top of mountains.

If it has to involve other people with me? Nope- I usually hike alone.

TND has jumped out of an airplane.