Wet Spot of Mystery
Xenophon & Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice & Lizzie & Darcy & Larry & Darryl & Darryl feat. Tami
The Yumpin’ Yiminies
Zorro and the Astrians
America’s Gotten Talented
The C Suite Janitors
Destiny’s Awkward, Gangly Adolescents
Ethyl and the Lead Additives
Frank and Freddy Ford’s Fluffy (Not Woolly!) Mammoths
G. Gordon Liddy’s Hairpiece
Herpes in My Hairpiece
Italic and the Underlines
Jokers Gone Wild
Kamala & Tim
Lunch Lady Marmalade
Mighty Mighty Boss Stoats
The Notorious Stoat Brothers feat. Tami
The Original Stoat-tones (Accept No Substitutes!) also feat. Tami
A Pretty Decent Substitute for the Original Stoat-tones, feat. Timi