What’s yellow, and sleeps alone?
Big Bird?
A Chinese eunuch.
Yoko Ono.
Your turn.
What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
Tasteless in SOOOO many ways.
This Riddle is not amused.
“What’s invisible and smells like carrots?”
bugs bunny’s farts?
For those of you who speak Spanish I have a few riddles for you…
Santa Rita va pasando con la tripas arrastrando y un nino cacarizo se las reempujando.
Identify Santa Rita, sus tripas, and the boy -
Tengo dos gatos meti-dos en un costal, cuantos gatos hay en el costal?
Only works when you say it what’s the answer anyway?
3)Hay 51 bueyes, 50 holillos (no tienen colas)Uno buey de los 51 tiene colo cada uno tiene 2 cuernos. Cuantos cuernos y cuantas colos?
If you really want to know e-mail me at EhlanaQn@aol.com and put something about riddles in your subject.
(Stupid joke, I know.)