Ridiculously specific fortune cookie message

I once got the “You could prosper in the field of medical research” fortune cookie. Or at least something like that. I actually remember it as saying, “You have a future in medical research.” I’m not in medical research. Someone suggested to me that it means that I’ll donate my body to science.

Fortune cookie side note:

The fortune cookie was invented in the USA during the early 1900’s. It isn’t traditional chinese at all.

There’s always someone who has to come along and spoil it for everyone else! :rolleyes:

:wink: :smiley:

In another thread from a while back, someone described how one may extract the current fortune from a cookie and insert another as a practical joke.

We send out for Chinese quite often at the hospital where I work, and I would like to try this. Does anyone remember the thread or (possibly) the website where it originated?



Okay, here’s specific for you. I got one once that told me…

“You and your wife will be very happy”

Considering that I already am a wife, I don’t think I’ll ever have one of my own.

Well, I have done a substitution before. I can tell you two ways.

  1. Grab a bunch of cookies. If you examine alot of them, you find some that aren’t close too well and it is easy enough to pick the old fortune out and slip a new one in.
  2. Failing above, putting one in a steamer should soften it right up. Once soft, open cookie and remove contents. Replace with your message. Close the cookie back up and wait for it to dry back out and harden.

I once saw someone get “You will inherit a small European country.” Somehow tacking “in bed” doesn’t seem to work there…

Maybe this mean you like really LARGE women or men?

Sure it does - Anna Nicole Smith, anyone?

“Foolish skeptic - monkeyman will MAKE you believe!”

Heheheheh. MOJO Lives!

Of course, I meant MOFO :frowning:

Nah, "The chef spit in your food :slight_smile: " is more universal.