RIP Jeremy Hardy

Talented comedian, BBC stalwart, lifelong lefty and appalling singer Jeremy Hardy has passed away at the age of 57 of cancer.

He’s reached Mornington Crescent at last.

Sad news. In an actual Twitter slip that was clearly not intentional, he accidentally had publicly PM’ed someone on Twitter telling them he was dying and not to tell anyone.

Sad to die so young.

Yep, clearly a nice guy, with a great line in rather melancholic, political wit.

One of the good ones.

Slightly ashamed that it was only the news of his death that prompted me to realise that he hadn’t been on the current series of The News Quiz.

Just to note that on the same day we also lost Clive Swift, best known as Hyacinth Bucket’s long-suffering husband but a rather fine comic actor overall and, like Hardy, another BBC Radio 4 stalwart.

I had spotted he was missing from The News Quiz, but assumed he was off doing something else :frowning:

Well, he kind of is.

I seem to remember he said he wanted his remains scattered.

Not his ashes, just body parts left at various motorway services etc.

Does anyone else remember him on Clue doing pick-up-song with (I think) ‘This Charming Man’?

It turns out he really could sort of “sing” like Morrissey

Absent from the News Quiz last few weeks, new Clue this evening, turns out he won’t be on that either. Sadly missed.