Rude questions you wish you could ask.

There’s a thread down the page a bit that asks how people with upper limb deformity (specifically due to thalidomide but the question would stand for anybody with a similar deformity) handle toileting issues. Mostly so I don’t hijack that thread with my own questions, I’m starting a thread for all those rude questions you wish you could ask complete strangers regarding things that really are none of your business anyway.

I saw this thing yesterday about a set of conjoined female twins. They have two arms and two legs between them and have separate heads, spines/cords, hearts, lungs, etc. but share everything below the navel. They both hope to date, fall in love, marry, have children.

How in the world do they have sex? Not physically, I get that part, but when one of them wants sex, the other one… WHAT? I’ve wondered the same thing about conjoined twins in general but these two share a vagina. So, hypothetically, Twin A has a boyfriend who, given a separate body, Twin B wouldn’t even consider as a sexual partner. Or maybe Twin B doesn’t like men at all or she wants to wait until marriage. Then what? They also share a uterus so, when the time comes, the “mother” on the birth certificate will be who? I assume they’d list the woman who was with whatever sperm caused the pregnancy?

I also read this thing about a woman who gave birth to a girl who was born with “Mermaid Syndrome” despite being told early on that the child probably wouldn’t survive the pregnancy and certainly would not live more than a very short while (days) after birth. Ultimately the girl lived until she was 10 but she wasn’t “supposed to,” you know? My question for her: why didn’t you abort? It’s not as judgy a question as it maybe sounds and the answer might be as simple as “I don’t agree with abortion.” Still, I’m curious what the thought process is when doctors are telling you that the kid is going to die anyway, probably sooner than later. Why prolong the agony of that loss?

There was a TLC TV series about Abby and Brittany Hensel a while back. They have two heads, one body, two spines, two sets of lungs…

They answered quite a few questions about their daily life and it was pretty fascinating. I watched it a couple of times but it was just too strange. They were super nice, intelligent girls… They’re teaching elementary school now.

Tosh.0 had a girl on this past year who was born with no arms. He wanted to know how she wipes her butt. So do I

There’s a coworker with a disability that I once posted about. He slurs, walks with a cane, and his limbs are slightly contorted. I want to know what he has, how he got it (since I heard he used to be ok), and how the heck he can drive (he drives to work!)

Also, I wish I have lifetime pregnancy questioning immunity. As in, I’d like to be able to ask any women at any time if they’re pregnant and not have them get pissed at me if they’re not

I’ve always been curious how much people who lose both arms miss masturbation. I’m sure they find other ways to do it, but I’d be interested in learning just how.

I’ve always wanted to know how incredibly, incredibly obese people (think like 800 lbs or more) can live with themselves. Honestly, if I were like that, I’d probably just want to die. :frowning:

Now THAT’S a rude question. And quite judgmental to boot.

I’ve always wondered how any woman could join a religion that does not think women are capable of leading a church.

That’s actually who I’m talking about. Did they happen to address sex?

Hump a pillow.

No. I saw the special of when they were young and then again when they learned to drive and then the latest one where they graduate college and becomes teachers and they never addressed anything about sex or bathroom habits.

What if one of them loves anal but the other doesn’t?

I’d like to ask them if they get annoyed with each other over food.

“Brittany don’t eat that burrito you know it gives us really stinky gas.”
“Fuck off bitch. It’s my stomach.”

Another thing they talked about was one of them would get grounded but not the other. How does that work?

“You have to wear blinders and ear plugs for the next week while Brittany watches tv.”?

Also which one wipes?

I’d really like to know how that no-armed girl on Tosh wipes. Does she just have a special toilet paper set-up on the wall and just backs into it like bears do on trees to scratch their backs?

Also the really fat people like Drewtwo99 mentioned. I assume they have medical attendants to help them but how do you get to their butthole to wipe up the poo but if they are in bed lying on their backs how do you roll them over?

EDIT: Wow, that turned out to be a very butt oriented post.

I only watched the show a couple of times and nothing of a very personal and delicate nature was addressed. From what I heard from someone who watched it, nothing like this was ever discussed on the show.

One thing I do remember from when a friend and I did watch the show - one girl’s head is “unfortunately” positioned at a very sideways tilt. My friend said “Look, that other one’s head is stuck on sideways! That’s got to be awful. I bet her neck gets tired!”

Then we both burst out laughing and couldn’t stop… I guess we’re gonna burn in hell for that…:smiley:

I’m not a bad person, I’m not a bad person, I’m not a bad person …

As far as Abby and Brittany are concerned, you have to bear in mind that sex involves more than just the woman’s vagina. I can totally see how you could make love with one of them, and not the other . . . even though what goes on “down there” is the same.

The one thing that impresses me about them is their ability to negotiate with each other, even doing things like playing piano. Although each of them had to get her own driver’s license.

It’s interesting that they can drive and play the piano together, but you’d assume they must decide ahead of time what they’re going to be playing or what route to take. But they can also type together and I’m almost sure the show I saw that on said they don’t even have to decide out loud what they’re going to write.

Regarding food: They each have their own preferences. For example, when they were children, their parents said that one liked milk and the other didn’t, and the reverse was true for orange juice, so one got milk with meals and the other got orange juice, and they both got their vitamins. There was another incident where one of them had an ear infection but threw up the antibiotic every time she took it, so they gave it to the other one and she had no problems with it.

As for sex, it’s challenging to have message boards about them because they tend to turn crude very rapidly. :mad: There were rumors that Brittany was engaged a couple years ago, but she herself denied it.

And as for the “Mermaid Girl” (her name was Shiloh), her condition was not discovered until it was too late for an abortion, and her parents had to make a decision about how aggressively to treat her condition. They could have just given her comfort care but chose not to do that. She had a permanent colostomy, and because she couldn’t urinate except through that route too, eventually had to have a kidney transplant and then a second one when that kidney was rejected. :frowning: IIRC, she died from an infection related to the drugs she had to take to prevent organ rejection.

There have been a few instances of “mermaid children” having their legs separated, but they still had to use a wheelchair because their legs just weren’t strong enough to walk on. This couldn’t be done for her, because she didn’t have all the necessary bones and muscles.

Re: Shiloh, the clip I watched (ummm… Extraordinary People, maybe?) showed the mother saying that she was given the option to terminate but chose not to.

Panache I get what you’re saying but my point is that their vagina is shared property. From a man’s perspective I can understand how he could focus on one and ignore the other. My question is what if the non-participating twin isn’t down for whatever reason? It’s her vagina, too. Even if she isn’t actively opposed, what is she doing that whole time? I have a sister. I know she has sex because she has children. That’s about all I want to know about her bedroom life. Wrapping my head around the idea of not only being present (as in the case of conjoined twins in general) but actually being involved even in just a totally passive way (because it’s my vagina, too)… ugh, no.

i think it’s unfair to impose our cultural norms on them. they are a single unit. you can’t love half of them, and the same goes vice versa. it should be all or nothing, you can’t split them up.

I have a friend who works at a medical waste disposal facility. They incinerate a lot of… things. Feel free to use your imagination.

I’ve always wanted to ask how many fetuses they go through in a day.

Regarding the conjoined twins, I can’t help but wonder. Who gets to feel the orgasm?

Seconded. I have often wondered why women follow any organized religion all all, when all of them have shortchanged the entire female gender at some point or another. Why were our great-grandmothers (and beyond) so willing to be treated as 2nd class citizens ? Not that they are around to ask that question to, of course.

This might help.

when I see people who have multiple kids with a debilitating condition (e.g. cystic fibrosis,) the question which pops into my mind is “haven’t you cruel shitheads ever considered that you should stop having kids?