Saddam tortured!

If there hadn’t been people pressing the US to torture, and elements of the US leadership appearing to be favourable to torture, it would be a lot easier to peg Saddam as a liar now…

Naw, they’re just going to stick a wick in his nose and let him burn down.

Well, you sounded indignant. Frankly (ba-dum-kssh!) I would like to see a few more “show” trials in this world along similar veins.

How much easier could it possibly be?

He’s right, sorta.

Not being the Lord High Muck any more, not having evrybody kowtowing at your feet, not being able to off a guy simply because you don’t like the way he ties his laces, these things are torture for Saddam!

My favorite part of the whole ordeal was this: (paraphrased)

Prosecutor: If you don’t like the way you are being handled by the Americans, we’ll just turn you over to the Iraqi Security Forces.

Saddam: Um. No thanks.

“Mr. Hussein, in order to ensure your personal safety we are installing this 24 hour surveillance web-cam in your cell…”

WOOOOOO! Saddam-cam!

And in order to show you how much we really love you, we serve you this special Christmas left-over dish:


That is just wrong on so many levels. And yet, scarier still is the thought that somewhere, someone will be turned on by that…

Stalin was kinda hot in a murderous-moustache kind of way. Just sayin’.

Heavens, no. I said pre-ordained because a) he’s guilty, and, b) there are no political reasons for him to be found not guilty. I’m just going to enjoy the show.

:eek: !!


“In another outburst today, Saddam Hussein said Americans could never torture as good as he can.”