Sarah Huckabee Sanders: rituals, flags and idols

In her SOTU response, she said, “Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags, and worship their false idols.”

What the heck is she talking about?

Probably Pride flags, which are 10,000 times more insidious than Confederate flags.

Ok, I see that.

What about the rituals and idols?

You know, rituals! And idols! The scary ones! Be very scared!

The first rule of our rituals is that we don’t talk about our rituals.

I don’t. I mean I see the flags, but when was the last time ‘they’ told us we must salute pride flags? I tried googling, but all I get is news stories about one teacher in OC California from the end of August 2021 making a TikTok suggesting it. Who was fired.

One should not bother looking for logic in the mind of SHS or her compatriots. See also:

As always, it’s projection with these folks. They want to force the heathen left to salute only the Stars and Stripes, to worship their version of God, and to partake of their performative patriotism displays. Only their intolerance may be tolerated!

I see that the pride flag is probably the one they are referring to. Not that we actually salute it.

I’m gonna salute every pride flag I see from now on.

Arkansas is near the ranked near the bottom in education, healthcare and most of the other quality of life indexes. Maybe all that should be your priority, Sarah.

FWIW, she might be interested to know that, over here last night, the latest episode of a documentary series following the deployment of the Royal Navy’s newest aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth to Asia and the Pacific last summer had a section where they hoisted a large Pride flag and had a party to mark Pride Day.

I’m waiting for our usual suspects to fulminate (cue reference to Churchill’s remark on the traditions of the Navy).

PS: this was in addition to some serious stuff facing down the attentions of the Chinese Navy in the South China Sea:

You would think.
She’s ridiculous.

When someone is entirely lacking in empathy, every accusation is a confession.

Repeat as necessary and all will be clear.

That’s some frightening rhetoric. Like, the sort of speech you give before you storm Jerusalem, fight some war elephants with your bare hands, and then light oil for 8 days using 1 day’s supply.

“I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Gaynited States of America, and to the sexual positions for which it stands, sits, kneels, lies down, or hangs from a complicated system of ropes and pulls, So Help Me RuPaul.”

When we elected Sarahsaurus, I was hoping she’d serve as governor rather quietly and avoid embarrassing Arkansas. I guess that was too much to ask for.

If SHS is so worried about false idols, I wonder what she thinks about that Golden Trump idol at CPAC from a couple years ago.

Looks like the right may be eating it up?

This is absolutely frightening.

What. The. Fuck.

If you honestly believe this crap, then yeah, radical things like storming the capitol are entirely understandable.

Well, she was correct in that we have a choice between normal or crazy. What she is wrong about is who is normal and who is crazy.