Sarah Palin's career options have opened up.

So long as her family approves then hell yes, you and me both. I may not like her politics but that woman is damn nice lookin’.

What to call the issue? How about The Peter Principle.

I heard she will be opening up her home for tours of Russia for those Americans without passports, you betcha!

Sen. Sarah Palin, appointed to fill out the unserved remainder of Ted Stevens Senate term.

Doing sketch comedy on Saturday Night Live. I’ll bet she can do an awesome Tina Fey impersonation.

Fluffer. Even that’s too good for her.

Do they make out from time to time? We can have a live studio audience, and whenever said audience decides the two of them have reached a critical mass of inanity, there must be frenching and the exchanging of saliva.

Kramer: I thought you said she stinks.

Jerry: She does stink. And she should quit. But I don’t want it to be because of me. It should be the traditional route: years of rejections and failures until she’s spit out the bottom of the porn industry…

Unfortunately, I don’t think the porn industry can spit anyone out the bottom. Looking at all the weird stuff out there, it seems like anyone can stay in porn as long as they really want it.

Please stop talking about Sarah Palin being in men’s magazines. She looks like my mom at that age, and it’s just disturbing.

That said, she’s never going to win any national office again because she still sounds like a total dingdong.

Of course, she could always be appointed Secretary of Defense in the War On Christmas, since she’s so close to the North Pole and all.

Or cats.

Hmm, “porn”, “spit”, “bottom” and “stay in”, all in the same sentence. The visual possibilities are staggering.

She’s ideally suited as a zombie fighter, thanks to her enthusiasm for guns and lack of zombie nutritional value :

"Brainnns . . . . Brainnnns"

“None here, suckers !”

  • BLAM ! *

Yeah, there’s even quite an industry for “spitting on hags”.

Roger Ebert has a suggestion.

I know one thing she shouldn’t be: professional baby namer.

How about the star of a Very Special Episode of What Not to Wear – the one where they burn all her clothes give her $150,000 to buy a new wardrobe.