Scrubs - One hour Season Finale

And yes, it’s renewed!

Zoom, zoom, zoom!

I love the janitor mopping the rug.

I stand in awe of his…fearitude!

Who amongst us has not had a crygasm?

I haven’t…you must be some kind of little girl!

Gay? Old? Like decks? :smiley:

Pretty good, but excluding Elliot and Turk, none of JD’s love interests have had very strong personalities.

Kim could still grow on me.

Kim: “And this is the average length of the male penis…”

Patient: “Yep, that looks about right.”

Although Roy Orbison is great, Nazareth’s version of Love Hurts rocks.

Are we confirmed on the renewal?

Oh, and Kim must be a hell of a woman…knowing you’re pregnant after two and a half weeks? Sheeit. Impressive.

Of course, she could be pregnant with someone else’s baby, which will allow them to ditch her if audiences didn’t like her, I guess.

So…I assume everyone else noticed the change in the opening credit sequence this time?


Yep… actually I was curious, has the X-ray always been backwards or was that just a gag on this episode? (Not a doctor so it looked the same to me both ways)

Poor Dr. Cox and Jordan. They’ll be the oldest parents in the PTA, right?

“An appletini! I didn’t know gay men drank hetero drinks!”

The show was DEFINITELY renewed, but once again it looks like a January start date.

I like that. It is becoming less of a stigma. 24 has made it cool. It is nice having a new Scrubs every week without repeats.

Good episodes. I like the new character. I thought it was HILARIOUS how they explained how she had ALWAYS been around, but JD had never seen her. Better than most shows that just have a character show up and act like they have been around forever without commentary.

Every time I see JD’s halfacre, I crack up.

This show really has hit its stride.

Okay, I’ve gotta ask…what’s up with Christa Miller’s face?

I know Jordan is supposed to have had a couple thousand plastic surgeries, but Christa’s lips and face looked all pinched and lumpy and stuff.

Since she’s always been one of two TV actresses on my ‘sell my soul’ list, I’m quite concerned!


That’s the first thing that occurred to me – it’s someone else’s baby. It wasn’t even necessarily clear that J.D. and Kim engaged in full intercourse on their second date.

I had the closed captioning turned on during the show, and while they were playing “Love Hurts” the captions were for Meatloaf’s “I Would Do Anything for Love.”

That ending seemed a little choppy to me. If they had sex on their second date, then it seems odd they didn’t have a second date for 2 1/2 more weeks.

Eh. I got a positive pregnancy test within two weeks of the ‘event’ that caused it - so do a lot of people. It’s definitely within the realm of possibility.

My favorite line last night was unfortunately from the three-year-old:

“I pooped in the bed, so I put it on top of the TV!”

I’m so frustrated with the January start again. What’s wrong with giving them the full season like every other show?


“Crygasm” nearly had me on the floor with laughter.

J.D. bought flowers for the Gift Shop Girl’s family…from the Gift Shop Girl.

This year gave us a full season worth of episodes. There were 24 episodes. There were just no repeats and quite a few DOUBLE episode nights. I like that just fine.

“It was awkward.”

I’d prefer 8 months of shows instead of cramming it all into four months. I realize it was still a full season of episodes, I just don’t like it all being shoved into a short period of time.


Fair enough.

The second J.D. got on the horse bareback, I knew just what was going to happen to him.

Average length of penis - urologist nods, patient nods, Turk nods, J.D. looks horrified. :smiley: