Everyone from last year is invited back. We are not yet recruiting. We’ve got 8/12 signups in the league currently and we’ll wait for the other 4 to get back. I will be more aggressive about recruiting this year … last year I was sure that some of our reliable players would sign up and when they didn’t we had to run the auction league 10 handed because I didn’t leave myself enough time to recruit. So if people aren’t signed up by early August, I’m going to start recruiting to fill their slots.
We’ll proceed as if we expect the NFL season to begin on time, since there’s not really anything else to do.
I picked the same relative day as we drafted last year - the Thursday a week before the regular season opener. Thursday, Sep 1, at 9:45pm eastern. We went to later starts last year to help west coasters get home from work, and the east coasters didn’t seem to mind starting late, so unless there are objections I plan on using the same draft times as last year. If there’s a problem with this, speak up now so that we can still get a good draft slot at the right time before they’re all booked.
I plan on using the sunday through tuesday waiver system for free agents that we used last year. Yahoo automatically puts all players on waivers as of 1pm Sunday, so you can submit a claim rather than having the person closest to the computer pick them up as free agents. We’ve done this for a while now. The added rule is that if there are any games that start before Sunday at 1, you can’t pick up those players after their game has begun - you have to wait until they go into the waiver pool on Sunday and put in a claim for them.
I also plan on doing the FAAB waiver system where you start with 100 to bid on players (maybe adding a little bit of money based on draft order) rather than using a rolling list. That seemed to work better.
I’m also going to keep the commissioner approval on trades for all the reasons I outlined last year. I will automatically and quickly approve any reasonable trade. If there’s something fishy about a trade we’ll discuss it, but there’s no real chance of a trade being rejected in this league - we’re all serious players, no one will say “fuck it” and throw their season, we all know enough not to get ripped off, and as we’ve proved, people tend not to want to rock the boat and vote against trades anyway.
Practically, this means you have later in the week to work out trades. Previously if you worked out a trade on friday evening, that trade wouldn’t go through by the time Sunday’s games started, so you’d be screwed if someone got hurt late in the week or if you just didn’t have time to conduct the negotiations. Now you can make trades up until Sunday morning and still get them through before the game starts.
I’m usually around early Sunday mornings to push trades through, but if you make a very late trade on Saturday night or Sunday morning, I may not be able to approve it in time. If that happens, both of you should make your intent clear “I plan on starting player X I just traded for in place of player Y” and I can retroactively make the rosters reflect that.
If there are any problems with these policies, feel free to voice them and we’ll discuss it.
Yahoo has some new scoring metrics available, so we should discuss if we want to use them, and generally any other tweaks we want to make to our scoring system. Also new is an official way to trade picks pre-draft, which we’ve been doing manually previously. Again this year I will generate a random list for the draft order well before the draft actually takes place (using the randomized/fair system Ellis Dee came up with years ago) so you can know where you’ll be in the draft order and can start talking about trades.
Here are the league results since the beginning:
- Exploding Pancakes (SenorBeef)
- Tazmanian Devils (Tazmanian Devils)
- Chitwood’s Penance (Jimmy Chitwood)
- Last Place - Kiros (Kiros)
- Isotopes (Petey, I think)
- The Gridbirds (brianjedi)
- Court Jesters (D_Odds)
- Holding out for Bush (Kid_A)
- Purple Helmed Warriors (OneCentStamp)
- The Faceisburgers (MsRobyn, I think)
- Zone Blitz (RetroVertigo)
- Og’s Cowboys (can’t remember)
- Quentin’s Jammers (EsotericEnigma/Jules Andre)
- The Gridbirds (brianjedi)
- Exploding Pancakes (SenorBeef)
- The Opposites (Kid_A)
- Frosted Lightning (Frosted Lightning)
- Tazmanian Devils (Tazmanian Devils)
- The Concussions (Kiros)
- Isotopes (Petey)
- Court Jesters (D_Odds)
- New York Fanboys (Ellis Dee)
- chitwood (Jimmy Chitwood)
- No use for a Name (RetroVertigo)
- Tazmanian Devils (Tazmanian Devils)
- Kid_A (Kid_A)
- Exploding Pancakes (SenorBeef)
- Quentin’s Jammers (EsotericEnigma/Jules Andre)
- Kiros Mark IV (kiros)
- Court Jesters (D_odds)
- New York Fanboys (Ellis Dee)
- Isotopes (Petey)
- chitwood (Jimmy Chitwood)
- No use for a name (RetroVertigo)
- Frosted Lightning (Frosted Lightning)
- The Gridbirds (brianjedi)
- Quentin’s Jammers (Jules Andre)
- Isotopes (Petey)
- Frosted_Lightning
- The Gridbirds (brianjedi)
- Exploding Pancakes (SenorBeef)
- No Use For A Name (Retrovertigo)
- Omni’s Omnipotents (Omniscient)
- New York Fanboys (Ellis Dee)
- Court Jesters (D_odds)
- Kid_A
- Last Place (Kiros)
- Tazmanian Devils
- Isotopes (Petey)
- Exploding Pancakes (SenorBeef)
- The Great Old Ones (Ol’Gaffer)
- Omni’s Omnipotents (Omniscient)
- New York Fanboys (Ellis Dee)
- Frosted_Lightning (Frosted Glass)
- The Gridbirds (brianjedi)
- Kelly’s Heroes (Munch)
- Chitwood (Jimmy Chitwood)
- No Use For A Name (Retrovertigo)
- Court Jesters (D_odds)
- Tazmanian Devils (Tazmanian Devil)