SDMB as a dating service

Am I the only one out here that sees too many posts that contain aggressive flirting, descriptions of sexual prowess, offers of sexual trysts, etc.?

There are many online dating services, sex-related chat rooms and message boards out there if that’s what you want to do. Heck, you could even email your flirts and propositions to each other as to keep them private and off these boards!

Geesh! Get a room!

Contestant #3

Geez, Contestant # 3, I have been lurking here for a while and haven’t seen anyone proposition you. Whats the matter jealous ?
I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on that yummy CheifScott myself. But alas, he is spoken for. ::::sigh:::


I rule the King of the jungle

ooops, ChiefScott, I got so excited I couldn’t type his name.


I rule the King of the jungle

Nah, not jealous. I’m happily married for 19 years now. Besides, I have had my share of flirts directed my way out here…I just ignore them. How could one get excited over being flirted with or propositioned by someone you’ve never seen or met in person? You wanna explain that one?

Besides, if I WAS looking for flirting and propositions, there are PLENTY of chat room and message boards aimed at sex and dating on the internet. Hence my suggestion. If you are hard up for that kind of stuff go there please.


Contestant #3

Well,what can I say execpt, “bite me.”


I rule the King of the jungle

You could answer the simple question that I asked you…

Contestant #3

Alrighty then,
The answer is really quite simple, (like you) you can get turned on by someones mind, ya jerk. Get real guy, this IS the pit, if you didn’t want a smart-assed answer why didn’t you post this elsewhere ?


I rule the King of the jungle


Since one of the most infamous Cecil questions & answers (and a subsequent genius retort) was about the calorie content of sperm, methinks that TSD is not inappropriate for discussion about sexual proclivities.

And while some people (myself included, possibly) might go overboard with releasing personal details, one can also look at it as observational science.

That said, I do think (the odd-one-liner aside) that most of the sexual discussions are of a most clinical nature.

As evidence - I have yet to get aroused reading anything on the SDMB. And since I jerk off at least three times a day with a Barbie doll…


Yer pal,


Hot Damn! I love a woman with an attitude! You are a Goddess! I will build a temple in my mind, devoted only to you, though I am unworthy to even touch a pebble that you carelessly kick aside. A temple to rival the Taj Mahal. I will place you on a pedastal so high that no mortal…

Oh,shit. This is the Flame Pit, right? Sorry.

C#3, you’re such a klutz.

You are unique - Just like everyone else.


Are you coming on to me?

Maybe this calls for the formation of another SDMB forum. Create a forum for the express purpose of discussing your sex life, aggresive flirting, offering sex, tit flash talk, etc.

Call it Lonely Hearts

Contestant #3

Good ol’ C3. Spends weeks complaining about the rules on the board, then complains when we don’t follow the Board’s format as he sees it.
BTW Connie, you have my permission to use any or all of the above for the purpose of quotation. Just to keep things legal. :).


I thought I got all the whipped cream off when I showered this morning. Though a tongue bath from a lioness does raise some possiblities!!!

May I call you Elsa?

Ya know C#3, if this stuff offends you, you can just stop reading it. Nobody is forcing it down your throat. But I guess I haven’t answered your question either. So I will.


Who’s the lurking Lioness? You have to admire someone who is willing to jump right in and take on C#3. Go get him Elsa.

One complete set of morals for sale to highest bidder, new in box.

Remember the Sienfeld episode where Elaine was meeting Bizarro Jerry and stuff, and all was backward?

This is Bizarro Kelli, agreeing with Satan, again (my fingers hurt to type it!) I have made nice with Diane, a bunch of times, I have disagreesd with C#3,agreed with Lynn and the most Bizare of all, disagreed with Scotty(but we are ok now I think :wink: )

Would everyone please, PLEASE go back to your designated positions!

I am really getting messed up…(twitch) cant tell who is who…(twitch)…birds…birds…(twitch)


The Lioness awakens,gracefuly lifts her head, blinking her amber flecked eyes.
She has spent the very late evening hours
indulging herself having a game of swat the fly with C. #3.
She roars “Don’t call me Elsa, damn-it, call me She Who Must Obeyed”.
That being said, she procedes to offer to get that last little spot of whipped cream off of ChiefScott’s __________, as WallyM7 gazes upon her loveliness. And the most astute UncleBeer, nods approvingly.
Sorry, what do you want from someone who was up all night? Perfection ?


I rule the King of the jungle

Wow! All hail Ayesha!


C#3, I think most of these types of posts have been in MPSIMS. That seems to be an appropriate spot. I haven’t seen anything in GQ, GD, etc. Were you speaking of a specific instance? Or just complaining?

ah CRAP, I mean
“call me , She Who Must BE Obeyed” . That damn pesky fly is buzzing around, distracting me again.


I rule the King of the jungle