SDMB Christmas Exchange 2020 (Super Blitz Edition)

Hello! I’d like to participate!

I like music, cats, animals, nature, crafts, and milk chocolate without nuts.
Please, no scented items or jewelry. Or gluten. :stuck_out_tongue:

Glad this is happening! :slight_smile:

Glad to have you both! This was a good reminder to call our vet and ask about the mousies. Our kitties will also be pleased with this development :slight_smile:

I do have a cookie cutter shaped like a dachshund.

I love this event but I simply cannot do it this year. :no_mouth: Thanks to Sir T-Cups for continuing the tradition and I’ll see you all next year.

Thanks so much for stepping up, Sir T Cups! I’m in, and I love just about everything, but especially handmade crafts, homemade snacks, things local to where you live … my wildflower garden, my telescope, my two dogs.

I look forward to this every year!

Brag bumping. There is a small rock and gem show happening this weekend in the VFW parking lot. While everyone knows that Arizona has turquoise and copper, not a lot of people know that AZ also is a fairly large producer of quartz and agate. I love gem and rock shows and now I have a wonderful excuse, errr, reason to go to this one!

Wow guys, ya’ll are really turning up! I wasn’t expecting to update already, but people keep coming! Here’s the leaderboard…


Hey @EmilyG! I have that you want to participate, but don’t see an email from you.

I’ll try and see if I can update more frequently as we get closer to our deadline, but work’s been nuts!

Yay! Happy to see more people signing up!

Sent an email!

Ooooo! Rocks! I Love Rocks

*Nerd with Geology degree....*

Just so you know, whoever you are whose name I will get, I started planning and shopping…:musical_note::notes: making a list :musical_note::notes:.

Yesterday, I decided I needed to do some… we’ll call it research… at Dancing Bear Chocolate , my favorite local chocolatier.

It was a heavy chore, but I did it in case my giftee likes chocolate.

Your sacrifice is appreciated! :grin:

Hoping…hoping…”choose me, choose me”.

That said, I have firm plans to include local, single bean, artisan chocolate in my package to whomever is matched to me. It’s silly I know to buy chocolate to ship to someone else at the same time as hoping someone sends me chocolate, when maturely I suppose I should just save us both the trouble and eat my chocolate bought here myself . But what’s the fun in that?

Same goes for nips of hooch. Bring it on, as well as fun socks.

There were a lot of local rockhounds and lapidarists spread out in a windy parking lot. The sun was bright and sparkled on the minerals and gems. I was very restrained, after selecting things for my person, I only bought two things for me. Well, three but I gave one to mom, so it doesn’t count, right?

I’ve started amassing a few little treats. This is gonna be fun!

I have already sent in my handsome bribe to Sir_T-Cups to get assigned my favorite of you to bestow largesse upon. Happy socks, hooch and chocolate from the Cornhusker, here it comes direct to your door. :socks::tumbler_glass::gloves::chocolate_bar::scarf:

Thanks for organizing this! Email and PM sent!

I like pineapples, dinosaurs, Philadelphia Eagles, and Rocky Balboa. I am a runner. I have no allergies but do not enjoy coconut or raspberry. My shirt size is L in Women sizes, or M in Men or Unisex sizes. Christmas ornaments are always great - I have several on my tree from previous exchanges. I would also love local items from my Santa’s hometown.

Will we get our giftee tomorrow?

Waiting with bated breath!