SDMB ~ The Epic Musical Sequel

Tripler, Fantastic Job. I missed that movie but I searched that song on YouTube and you NAILED it perfectly. Great work, thanks.

Jelymag, saying that you joined the board because of certain post or thread is one of the nicest things you can possibly say to another member.
There is no better compliment, thanks.

[sup]HEY Chicago Reader! We snagged another one. Is there a commision, or finders fee or something??[/sup]

FCM You only listen to NPR? Hmmmmm… New Punk Rock? Neo Progressive Rap? :wink: I’m so sorry. Thanks for the kind words.

Spatial Rift 47 … “majestic marvel, this beautiful ballyhoo, this parodical production of preposterous proportions” Thanks Dude - Love the hyperbolic alliteration. Can I use that for a movie trailer?

Anastasaeon, you don’t need to practice girl, it’s well known that you are the best bumper/dancer on the set. :cool:
I still remember the kind words you posted in the other thread, it almost made me cry. Thanks again.

Hal, Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate knowing which songs you folks liked the best, and the least. I welcome any criticisms.

Thank you everybody.

Bravo. Beautifully done, meek. This is one of those wonderful instances of the sequal living up to the standards set by the origional. I look forward to seeing more installments of this series.


Oh my lands, meek, this is one of the awesomest things I have ever seen, ever – and I’ve seen Kurt Vonnegut do the hokey-pokey! Anything that involves or invokes The Clash in any way is all right in my book.

Or, as Randy Jackson would say: “You worked it out, dawg, you worked it out.” Bravo! (Paula Abdul would say something too, probably about your “inner muffin” or your “shining wisdom teeth” or something, but everyone knows she’s just there to look pretty – Randy is the money melon in that organization.)

Anyway, great going! Thanks for making my life a little more surreal. In only the best possible way.

Heh. This even better than the last one. I mean, hell, I got a solo!

Excellent job, meek.

Annie-Xmas does her Happy Dance around the office, glad she is alone today. Manages only to knock over her paperclip jar and smack her IBM Selectric II typewriter, making her hand black and blue.

How did I get a dancing gig anyways?

Awesome. What else can one say?

You know, someone posted a while back that Weird Al Yankovic was asked if he was an SDMB member. He said he is not, but he lurks here. I hope he reads and enjoys your stuff, meek.

By the way, I’ve recently gained title to the entire planet (one heck of a poker game, let me tell you), and I’ve written you into my will. :smiley:

You. Are. Awesome.

I am honored, I tell you, that my nickname is known as **meeks **around here. Perhaps somone will confuse me with you. Of coruse I’d have to set them straight then, but I could have a moment of reflected glory!

(BTW, I loved the last one too, but saw it too late to ever answer it.)

Oooo! I’m a dancer!!! :eek: :slight_smile: :smiley:

:: falls over and spins, Halvsie style ::


Wow! That is breathtaking!

:: claps, tries to dance, damages something ::

:cool: ::sidesteps and grapvines across stage, facing audience, jazz-hands a-blazing:: :cool:

:smiley: :wink: :smiley: :wink: :smiley: :wink: :smiley:
Thunderous applause and a standing ovation for meek and Company
:smiley: :wink: :smiley: :wink: :smiley: :wink: :smiley:

I’d like to audition for a singing role in your next production.

btw, meek, how are the kitties?

Wonderfully funny threads, meek. Both of them are technically superb and bowel-rattlingly funny. My bowels got rattled. In fact, something must have gotten shaken loose because I have some songs of my own for others to deride.

[right]To the tune of “Bela Lugosi’s Dead” by Bauhaus (“Abe Vigoda’s Dead” by Spinnwebe)[/right]

Black on white the posts are all writ
There on the screen
Your post has killed this thread
Dopers ignore your stunning wit
Nothing left to be said
Blue borders 'tween the replies
Your post has killed this thread
Unread Unread Unread

Your virginal post falls to its doom
Part of a now-dead thread
Bereft of posters cool
Bottom of an ignored thread
Your post
Your post has killed this thread
Unread Unread Unread

Finally, just to prove I’m pure evil:

I’m INRI the Christ I am
INRI the Christ I am, I am
I got nailed to these two-by-fours
Now people hang me up 'bove their doors
Every one is an INRI
They wouldn’t hang a goldfish or a lamb
I’m a nailed-in Christ called INRI
INRI the Christ I am!

NPR is National Public Radio; I also listen to it, so I only knew the last song. Just the same, bravo, sir!

::wipes away a tear while giving a standing ovation::

Bravo! That was a thing of beauty. I was going to pay your membership, but I see someone beat me on the draw.

Brilliant. I don’t know a few of the songs, but I had a huge smile plastered on my face with the ones I do know.

Holy cow. How did I miss the first thread??? This totally rocks!

Thanks everyone.

anyrose the kitties are fine. Big now. Really really big. I’ll update some new pics to Yahoo this week or so…

For those who don’t know the songs, here’s a You tube playlist with all of them.
[sub]hope this works…[/sub]
SDMB The Epic Musical Sequel YouTube Playlist

** Derleth**, that was a very cool post, thanks. It didn’t kill the thread like it said it was gonna do… but I thought it was excellent.

You people are the best audience on the internet. Seriously.

Yes. Yes you may. :slight_smile:

Wow. Just WOW, meek! I’m glad you’re here–what a gift!

Standing O
throws roses at you