Seattle (and PNW) Dopers

Ok, here it is, the Seattle/PNW Dopes thread!

Let’s see how many of us there are, and then think about a gathering.

Cervaise and I live in Seattle (in Maple Leaf, for the locals). We’re up for a gethering.

Ok, so I can only sometimes spell.

Proposed location for the Dopefest: The Two Dagos From Texas. If you haven’t been there yet, now is your chance.

I’m in Redmond

Hey, I’m in Seattle too!

Oh, wait, I’m married to katrina. So of course she knows. I hope.


Well, I live in Boston now, but if you go to Two Dagos, somebody have the blackened salmon on pasta in my memory.

Well, I live in Boston now, but if you go to Two Dagos, somebody have the blackened salmon on pasta in my memory.

Well, I live in Boston now, but if you go to Two Dagos, somebody have the blackened salmon on pasta in my memory.

Mea culpa, mea culpa. The board’s been a bit flaky for me today.

I grew up in Bellevue, and just had my wedding in Seattle last weekend.
But now I am back in Minnapolis again. I’ll be visiting often! I miss my old stomping grounds!

I’m in Vancouver (B.C., that is), and would maybe be interested, depending just when this happens.

And I’d be happy to have one of those blackened salmons. :wink:

I’m in Selah (south of Ellensburg), it sounds interesting. I might be able to attend.

Scotti checking in from Bellingham.

Pluto and I talked about setting up a PNW dopefest, so I know he is interested. In another thread, JohnnyLA said he’ll be in Seattle the weekend of November 11th (I think-I’ll confim that as soon as I remember where I saw it.)

Would it be reasonable to plan this sometime that weekend, so we can welcome him back home?

Also, I would need to either make this someplace simple to find, or ride with someone. I am Seattle driving impaired.

I can hardly wait!

I live in Ballard (ya sure, ya betcha). Two Dagos is on the bus route from my place to downtown, so I can drink myself silly (should that prove necessary) without worrying about finding my way home. I’ve always wanted to try that place.

Gol’ durn, there’s more of us here than I thought!

Checking in from Green Lake…

Hmmmmm… Should I?

Found the thread where JohnnyLA said he’ll be here, and it is during the week. I can’t get down to Seattle during the week, as I work 7AM-5PM. So, for me, it looks like I won’t be able to get to a DopeFest with JohnnyLA.

Feel free to do it without me, of course, but I really would like to meet with you all.


Let me see how far away I really am. I’m in Redding, CA

I’m planning to be in Bellingham sometime during the week, and/or possibly Saturday the 18th. Might be running around a bit, but there’s a posibility…

Lots of running around during the week. I have to look for an apartment for January, and I also need to look around for a job. One of our customers really would like me to work with her, but they’re not hiring at my level. I’m going to tell her I’ll take a lower position so I can work my way back up. And she knows my work! fingers crossed

When I move, should I stay “Johnny L.A.”? Or should I become “Johnny SEA”? (SEA being the FAA’s 3-letter identifier for Seattle)


Be whoever you feel comfortable being. And please let me know when you are going to be here, if you wish we can get together for dinner or drinks.

Hey, if you are going to still be here the 18th, maybe we could do the PNW DopeFest that evening? I thought that you were leaving the 17th.


I’m actually leaving on the 19th, but I need to do some visiting while I’m up there. Don’t know what the schedule will be. The main thing is to find an apartment, then check out the job scene. I have to go to Hoquiam (probably the first weekend) and up to Bellingham (probably the second weekend). But I don’t know exactly when.