Secret Santa Gift: Bought, Wrapped, Packed and Sent

My Secret Santa giftee will love me about the end of the week. Maybe early next. (Nope, too cheap to spring for Next Day Delivery. Not really sorry either.)

Everyone else will be jealous they didn’t have me for their Santa.

And Green Bean is one Jake chick.

I’m done gloating now.
-Rue. (Ho. Ho. Ho.)

I procured my Secret Santa gift yesterday. I’ll get it in the mail before the end of the week, on its way to a lucky recipient…

:smiley: ho ho ho

I haven’t bought my Secret Santa gift yet, but I think I know what I’m gonna get, and I also found a nifty gift for my wife while I was out, so it wasn’t a total loss. I just haven’t been able to get back to the store since Saturday.

Jeez, you guys are on the ball.
Rue, hopefully you’ll get luckier this time and get someone who’s a bit more timely than I am!!!

I have taken the first step for my giftee - I know what I’m gettin’ him. Hopefully some action will be taken by the end of the week.

–scout, who’s ashamed at her laziness sometimes

I went looking for my gift-to-give today but couldn’t find what I was looking for (it’s pretty obscure). I did end up spending a whole lot of rent money on junk for myself, though.

Coupla questions:

  1. Are we supposed to include out name/handle when we send the gift? Or are we just supposed to sign it “SDMB Secret Santa”?

  2. Are we supposed to wait until Christmas to open our gifts?

I haven’t bought mine yet, no idea really what it will be.

The Secret Santa Gift(s) have been spotted. SSG will leave the building by 6:00 PM, today, and will winging their way to the giftee by 5:00 PM tomorrow.

The Secret Santa gift has been ordered, and explicit directions as to its delivery have been provided. Let’s hope the commercial conglomerate from which it was purchased can find it in their warehouse in a timely manner, and ship it in time for Christmas…

I am having mine shipped here, then to go to the lucky recipient. Are we supposed to sign these with our handles?
Three cheers for online shopping.

As to the whole Real Life Name / SD Handle thingie. I really couldn’t use my handle on the return address. Oh yeah, that would just go over boffo with the whole Mail Terrorism thing. So my Secret Identity is entrusted to my Secret Santa Giftee. I hope that was the way to go. But I have my Giftee’s name (Pretty sly there, huh? Not giving away anything here, nuh-uh.) so if my Secret Identity gets out, their Arch-Rivals will be getting some pretty interesting info. (Life is like the comic books. Now I just need a Super Power.)

I think using your handle would be cool. Your real name given at your discretion.

Hey, thanks Rue.

As to the question of whether you should sign with your handles–I dunno. Whatever you think is best. Last year, I sealed up my name in a little piece of paper with instructions to open it if she wanted to know who I was. That way, it was by giftee’s choice.

Return address sticker has my name… tho I could use one that has hubby’s name just to mess with the recipient’s mind… I’ll identify myself by nickname, since not everyone pays attention to the occasions when I put my actual identity on public display.

Mine’s been ordered, should be on its way to its new home very soon. I just had i shipped there, so if you get anybills or anything, be sure to let me know :slight_smile:

Mine’s bought, wrapped, and in the truck ready to be mailed tomorrow.

When my Secret Santee gets it, I hope they like it. It’s probably hugley impractical, but at this time of my life, I would think it incredibly cool if someone gave me one of these. And hey, it could’ve been a fruitcake.

I picked up mine this evening, and will mail it tomorrow or Friday-- gotta get some suitable wrapping paper and a nice shiny bow or something :slight_smile:

Secret Santa giftee’s name…check.
Pretty paper…check.
Ribbons ‘n’ bows…check.

All wrapped, packed and in the sleigh, ready to go!

I picked up the gift on Saturday, packed it Sunday, and sent it today. It should arrive early next week.

She’s gonna love it.

Waiting for a day off to go pick up my person’s gift. Hopefully there will be an afternoon game and traffic downtown will be nonexistant Staurday so I can get it and get out.

I’m making a trip up to Madison on Saturday and will buy the Secret Santa gift (along with most of my holiday shopping) up there.

There’s more than one? And one of them has infiltrated the SDMB? :eek:

[sub]Yes, I realise that’s not what was originally said…[/sub]