The other day I go to pick up my son at my ex-wife’s house. I had just got off work and me and my son were heading out of town for the next couple of days. So when I get there I asked my ex-wife if I could come in and change clothes. she said “fine” I then proceed to goto the bedroom and change. Well aparently my ex thought I went to the hall bathroom to change. So she didn’t think nothing of it when she came to the room where I was to get something. When she opened the door she saw me in my birthday suit! No big deal I thought, shes seen me a hundred times before. But thats not at all what she thought. Upon entering she immediately covers her eyes and starts to apologize. I told her whatever she wants; go a head and get it. But she was like “no way your naked!” I then told her “So you’ve seen me about a zillion times naked.” Her response was “Well we were married back then.” :shrugs shoulders: “alright whatever.”
So am I missing something here? why is this such a big deal? Maybe I’m being too pragmatic I guess. Would you guys care if one of your former SO’s saw you naked? if so why?
Well, I do suppose it would not necessarily be called appropriate, but I personally don’t think it’s a big deal. I even photographed one of my exes for some nudes I did a couple years after our relationship while I was dating someone else. I didn’t think much of it. But my SO did. So I suppose I’m not the best person to respond to this…
Is she remarried or dating someone? If so, it makes a difference.
I don’t see naked as being such a big deal - certainly not in the context you’ve described. It’s just skin, fercryinoutloud!! It’s not like you were dancing naked on the dining room table during Thanksgiving dinner.
'Course that’s just my perspective.
If I saw any of ex’s naked, I would probably want to do them. So it’s probably better if I don’t see them.
I AM a guy, after all.
I actually had that exact situation occur with my ex.
The odd thing is, she’s always been one to go on and on about how “skin is skin”. But now that we’re divorcing, suddenly it’s weird.
I don’t get it.
And I wouldn’t want to do her… she may have lost 20lbs since the divorce, but she’s still a pit viper.
No not married but she is dating some one. (I think) I still don’t see what the big deal is though. Now if I was shaking my hoo-ha at her saying “come on baby, one more time for old times sake!” Then yeah, that may be just a little bit inappropriate.
SHAKES, I agree, it’s not a big deal. But maybe to her and/or her partner, being a room with you naked is not really appropriate.
I dunno.
Skin may be skin, but a lot depends on context, expectations, and whatnot. Having grown up in an era where coed skinnydipping was fairly common, I’ve seen a lot of women naked that I had no romantic attachment to. But it would have been very different to walk in on any of them naked in a room, rather than outside in the pool or at the swimming hole.
Sometimes it doesn’t take much to make it different. About fifteen years ago, a woman friend and I went skinnydipping, just the two of us, at my favorite swimming hole a ways outside of Charlottesville. It was all very relaxed. Just afterwards, we had our clothes back on but were still in the clearing next to the stream where we’d been swimming, and she remembered that she had this bathing suit along that she wanted to model for me. Even though we’d just been naked together, she felt awkward and embarrassed about taking her clothes off again in front of me to pull on the bathing suit. But it would have felt just as ridiculous for her to duck behind a bush to change, given the circumstances, so she went ahead and stripped in front of me anyway.
Sounds like a great Seinfield episode.
But it hasn’t happened to me yet. I do that sometimes, put my hands in front of my eyes but I might spread my fingers
She may have been worried that if she didn’t make a big deal of it, she may have been sending ‘signals.’
I don’t think it’s weird at all. The fact that she let you change in her house is a lot more than some divorcees can handle.
I think whether she or you are dating somebody doesn’t make a real difference. What makes a difference is that you used to be married to this woman and in love with her, and she used to be married to you. There is certainly some emotional baggage involved there. When my friends who are divorced interact with their ex, it brings up the feelings of the past, ranging from “God, she was great in the sack” to “She sure was nice to my grandmother” to “What a vicious harpy. I can’t believe I married that bitch.” (Insert appropriate vulgarities for an ex-husband)
It’s great when divorced people can be civil, and even remain friends. However, I don’t think it would be that uncommon for them to feel very uneasy about walking in on the other in their birthday suit.
Nudity is a strange thing… I think RTFirefly’s post is a great example of how contexts for “appropriate” feeling nudity can be kind of bizarre.
As for the OP; I dated someone for two years, and we’re still very close (after some rough periods). I could care less whether or not she sees me naked, and she has in fact (changing before going out somewhere, etc). The reverse is also true.
I guess if one or the other of us was really dating someone that might change, though I’m not sure.