Seen any good, campy horror movies on Netflix lately?

I’m looking for a good horror movie on Netflix to pass the snowy day…the campier the better.

Any suggestions?

Evil Dead 1 or 2, Army of Darkness

Campy, but more violent than horror:
Nude Nuns With Big Guns.

Reported for forum change.

Tucker and Dale versus Evil is more of a parody/dark comedy of the genre but it is an outstanding movie in its own right. If you want gore, it delivers quite well in that regard.

I just watched this last night and loved it! Really hilarious.

Nobody has mentioned Tremors yet?

Or Lake Placid?

Another vote for Tucker and Dale. Great little surprise of a movie.

We watched Quarantine 2: Terminal last week, and it was a serviceable zombie flick. It’s campy insofar as it seems to know how ridiculously over the top its gross-outs are, and embraces it.

Troll Hunter is hella fun, if you don’t mind subtitles and found footage shakey-cam.

Thanks to all for some great suggestions. Just finished Tucker versus Dale (great movie), and am working my way down the list…slow day, I know…