Seen Any Good Movies Lately? A Cinematic MMP

Ol’ y’all know who and I have been on a movie kick the past two weekends. See, betwixt the two of us we have a bunch of dvds but we haven’t been watchin’ any of ‘em. So, we decided we should pick out a bunch of movies and start watchin’ ‘em because they’re pretty much better than anything on tv.

In case this bit of information has escaped anybody, we are two of those kind of people. You know, boys who like other boys. Thus, movie nights at the cave have taken on a decidedly gay flavor. How is it that movie night takes on a gay flavor you ask? I shall answer. We have watched the following movies over the past two weekends:

Where Angels Go Trouble Follows
Attack of The Fifty Foot Woman – Ok, gay in the campy sort of way. Plus we giggled like six year old girls at a slumber party all through it
Cinderella – The Rodgers and Hammerstein musical version
The Trouble With Angels
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Auntie Mame

The other interestin’ fact and yet another piece of the gay puzzle is, four of the seven movies star Rosalind Russell, so it’s been a sort of Rosalind Russel fest around da cave as well. Interestingly, only three of the seven are musicals. Interestin’ in that it is a well known stereotypical fact that gay men just luuuuuuuurrrrrrrrve musicals. :smiley:

Ok, I’ve put up the MMP…… take it away!


I have to now read the MMP… <slinks away embarrassed>


I have little to share concerning movies. I guess I’m just not a huge movie person. At least until I pay the late fees I owe the local video store. g

We got about six inches of snow at my house, and he didn’t plow the road in front of my house and out to the highway! Yet I got my car to my house remarkably painlessly, following somebody else’s trail. Probably somebody with a truck. Me? Little low-slung Saturn. Apparently if somebody breaks a trail I can get through deeper snow than I thought.

But if that road doesn’t get plowed by the time I leave for work in the morning, I’m gonna be pissed.

This week I watched a couple of movies. First I watched the Valenties Day Massacre movie (whatever it’s called) and it was in 3-D!.. That was a cool movie!

Also re-watched the Dark Knight. Had to see the pencil trick again as well as hear that famous line… whyyyyyy sooo serious! That’s the kind of character movies need.

Hopefully something good comes out soon. Seemed to be a lot of junk recently.

Totally random and a little older (2002) but I caught this on tv the other day and just thought it was a pretty fun movie. The Guru. No, not the Mike Meyers one, this one is actually funny and entertaining in a campy, Bollywood sort of way.

I remember the previews for The Guru; I thought it looked pretty funny.

Yesterday, I watched Dear Frankie and today was WordPlay, both of which I like a lot. The first is set in Scotland and is a heartwarming chick flick. The second is a geek-friendly documentary about the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. It makes me smile.

I had a $15 Amazon gift certificate from having taken a survey, so I got those two movies and a CD (and spent an extra $20 or so, of course).

I should be asleep by now. Why aren’t I?

Happy Monday everyone!


Hmmm, we were forced (forced, I say!) to exorcise the excrescence that is “Mamma Mia” by watching “Priscilla, Queen of the Desert” again on Netflix Instant Watch. I love that movie and so does Himself, not that he likes to admit it–he also hates admitting that he’s a total sucker for musicals. I can make him watch anything as long as it’s in musical format, which can be mighty funny.

Funny thing is that while that’s a very gay movie, swampy’s lineup made “Priscilla” look positively butch! That batch o’movies is gay as old Dad’s hatband, sir, kudos! :stuck_out_tongue:

Saw this one recently and it was bizarrely hilarious. If you didn’t like “Trainspotting” you’ll REALLY hate it, though, fair warning.

I have a whole stack of movies from Netflix that need to be watched–I was planning on catching at least one but then the migraine ate my brain. I don’t have enough attention span to keep track of a movie when my brain is twisting around like a rat stuffed with warfarin so it’s been “Angel” episodes all day long.

The headache is much better but I’m still feeling loopy and vertigo-ey. I’m looking forward to a night’s sleep…

Yesterday was our anniversary (woohoo!) and we went to the show to see **The Wrestler **(good, but not great) and then we came home for a re-viewing of The Man Who Wasn’t There. That was a great movie, but I fell asleep.

I’m off today ('nuther woohoo!) and I’m going with my dad to his doctor appointment. Gonna try to get a little more information on his stroke.

Watched Twilight at the matinee on Saturday. It isn’t earthshaking but it’s fine for spending two hours with your brain switched off. It sure makes no qualms about the whole “vampire = sex” thing.

Now I want to go check whether the guy playing “James the tracker” is the same one who did Sabretooth in Xmen or they just went to the same “this is your badass face” teacher. Checked: different guy, so same teacher.

I’ve located the Brit version of Netflix, but I’d have to use my work address, because at home the mail just gets dropped on a table in the hall. I don’t wanna say I don’t trust my neighbors but… well, thing is, the only reason I have for trusting them is that we happen to live in the same building, so no I don’t.

Spoke with Mom on Saturday. The doctor saw she had an infected nail (a doctor she was seeing about something else, when she took off her shoes to sit on the examination bed) and some signs of a badly-healed wound, and gave her a lotion but it didn’t penetrate well into the nail so she used tea oil instead, which worked well and met with the approval of both that doc and DocSiL; she wanted to just treat any wounds she gets with that but I insisted that she also show them to SiL. I’ve reported that to Middlebro for him to tell SiL. I have also asked Lilbro whether he actually has ever done her toenails or not, as she’s claimed he had several times but this last time (over Christmas) it seems to have been a ruse to keep me from seeing the infected big toenail. In my self-preserving opinion there is a difference between “she lost a leg in an accident,” “she lost a leg due to diabetes complications” and “she lost a leg because she refused to take care of herself, now she wants my brother to offer to move her into his house and serve her hand and foot for the rest of her life (of course, he will also have to pay for the privilege of having her there and he will never do anything right).” Or, “she lost a leg because she refused to take care of herself, now I’m living with her (see above) and the Grandparents from Hell.” No. Way.

G’morning all. Up and caffeinating here. Great OP, Swampy–I don’t have any new movies that I’ve been to, but I do watch a lot of movies especially on Turner Classic Movies. Last week, I finally caught up with “Juno,” which I liked; it’s a quirky-type movie though that I suspect folks either like or they don’t like. I can’t recall off the top of my head what movies on TCM I’ve watched recently for the first time–there are a few, really, that I haven’t seen before. Honest. :slight_smile: January has been Jack Lemmon month, so I’ve had a chance to catch a few of my favorites more than once: The Apartment and Some Like it Hot. Both are Billy Wilder films, and both are in B&W; great movies!

Back to work …

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffienatin’ here. The thing I don’t like about the Sunday 2-10 gig is havin’ to get up on Monday mornin’ and go in. Feels like I just left the place. Actually about eight and a half hours ago I did just leave the place.

Howdy to all the first (or some) timers! Welcome to the MMP

Kalhoun sorry your dad had a stroke. I hope everything is goin’ well for him.

Need more caffiene. Need brekkies. Need work purtification. Need pronouns.

Later Y’all!

ETA: Nava this watchin’ after the 'rents thing is a toughie. Y’all hang in there!

Thanks, Swampy. It’s like playing “20 Questions” to get Dr. Prick to offer any information that I haven’t specifically asked for, and framed in such a way that I could convince someone I’m actually a doctor. If this guy doesn’t throw down, I’m going to have to convince my dad that there are other MDs on Planet Earth. So not looking forward to it.

Gerry and Dancer in the Dark yesterday, thus forcing me to try and digest both the rest of the afternoon.

Hope your Dad’s doin’ better, Kal.

I need to see Attack of the 50 Foot Woman. I love bad/cheesy/campy sci-fi flicks (as she dusts off her folder of 90% of the MST3K episodes) and this is a classic of the genre.

I watched Strangers on a Train last week. I love Hitchcock movies. I could have done without the tennis match in the middle, but the rest of it was great. Plus I got an extra laugh when I watched Robot Chicken a few nights later and they did a sketch based on the movie starring Roger Rabbit and OJ Simpson. NSFW because Jessica Rabbit’s in it.)

Yays hugs boos etc. Time to get ready to catch a bus.

I watched Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan again on Saturday. There’s been some talk of it around here lately. I cried again. “I am, and always will be, your friend.” <sob>

I’m sorry about your Dad, Kal. Mine has been having TIAs and was hospitalized for tests. Getting those doctors to talk straight is tough. And you’re a doctor? Smack 'em with a wet trout!

I hope your Mom’s ok, Nava.

I hate Mondays. <sigh>

I can’t seem to sit still long enough to watch a movie so unless it has a pause button I usually don’t bother trying. The closest video store with a selection of more than 100 movies is 15 miles away and we never bothered with Netflix because mail takes forever to get here. Since they have so many online movies now we joined last weekend and I’m in documentary heaven. I haven’t even gotten to the regular movies yet. The last things that I saw in a theater were “W” which I thought was kind of boring and didn’t tell me anything new, and “Milk” which I thought was great. Has anyone seen Frost/Nixon yet?

Swampbear I loved all of those movies except for the 50 foot woman. I know I saw it as a kid but I can’t remember it. Is there some scene where she gets tangled up in electrical wires?

Fire tale time, kiddies.

I have lamented and whined hard about choking on the practical portion of the final for my EMT class. I was given the opportunity to re-test after the turn of the year, which I accepted and finally did on Firday. The alternatives would have been to retake the class, or remain a Basic. Neither was palatable to me, though I would have retaken the class had it been necessary.

What did me in originally was a whole lot of external stress I had very little control over, coupled with my own performance anxiety and a near phobia of (small) pediatric patients. I botched my adult trauma patient by missing her injuries completely, and I killed my 8 month old cardiac arrest patient with an overdose of epinephrine.

This time around, I had 3 scenarios to work through, and they were doozies. The first was a jaywalker hit by a pickup truck and thrown about 30 feet. That one was pretty straightforward, but the back-and-forth between me and the examiner got both of us side-tracked and frustrated. Spinal immobilization, 2 large-bore IVs, splints and dressings, and go like hell to the trauma center.

Scenario #2 was a corker: a diabetic patient with a loss of consciousness and fall. She had gangrene in both feet, and enough clues to strongly suggest drug addiction. She had in fact fallen, and had a broken pelvis and a spinal neck injury. I gave her dextrose for her low blood sugar, Narcan for the opiate overdose, and then had to do another spinal immobilization. I was ready to chew nails after that, because the back-and-forth was four times that of the first.

#3 was back to my nightmares: a pediatric cardiac arrest. This time, it was a 7 year old instead of an infant, which helped. I don’t have the anxiety problems with kids once they’re old enough to be in school. The rule of thumb, depending on 2 or 3 different situations, is that an 8 year or 12 year old is functionally an adult. Seven is a little small for that to apply, but it still helped calm me.

We went through the regular cardiac arrest protocol. This time, I gave the right amount of epi. Intubation of the dummy went well, and I didn’t break any teeth with the handle. There was a little bit of bickering between the examiner and myself, but not to the extent of 1 and 2.

In the end, she said I was disorganized regarding methodology, and I thought too much, but she passed me because I knew what I was doing. I’m registered for my certification exam on Friday the13th <snerk> of February.

Saturday and Sunday was spent in Fire School, where I took Ladders I & II. It was a snoozefest, and a lot of petty crap about doing things the proper way that is dictated by OSHA. I did learn a couple of new things, such as how to set up some rather large extension ladders single-handedly, how to bring victims down the ladder by myself, and how to bail out of a window headfirst and live to tell the tale.

The interesting part of this was that we had to rescue one of our own during the class.

We were learning a technique called a leg lock, which is used when working from the ladder to keep from falling off. You step up one rung above where you want to be, put a leg through, hook that foot behind the rung, then step down one rung with the other leg that was left outside. Once you do that, you ain’t goin’ nowhere unless the ladder goes first. Because of arthritis in my hips, I was kinda wary of doing it.

My buddy Bill is a big guy. Before I had sveltification done, I was as big as he was before he had a heart attack 2 years ago. He’s lost about 50 lbs., but is still ginormous. He decided that he was going to try a leg lock. It was only fair because it was a technique being taught.

Up the ladder he went, and he went into a leg lock about 6 feet up. He couldn’t get out of it. He didn’t have the upper strength to pull the outside leg up to the next higher rung, and he lacked the flexibility to do the same thing with his leg on its own. He tried for about 3 or 4 minutes to free himself before we set about getting him out. There were four of us on the ground, so we didn’t have a lot of options on how to do it.

“Bill, do you trust us?”

“Yeah, I suppose. I don’t have much choice in the matter.”

“We’re all behind you. Lean back into our hands, and slide your leg out when we pull you back.”


Bill leaned back onto us just like he was a girl at a concert crowd surfing, and we pulled back. Just as his foot came out of the ladder, there was a brrrrrrrrrrrraaaap. He had farted rather loudly, and was almost dropped because the 4 of us underneath him started laughing too hard to keep composure.

I was the last to go and had no problem, which surprised me. I’m glad we did this at 6 feet instead of 20…

I saw W at a pizza place theater. It was okay. Kind of heavy handed and :dubious: at the end. I could have done without the dream sequence. Josh Brolin is a hell of an actor, though.


Movies, movies, movies…

I was on a movie kick and probably need to get back on it. I (re)watched High Fidelity, * Sideways*, Juno and all of Harry Potter recently.

Don’t be hating on Momma Mia! It’s so cheesy it can’t qualify for Velveeta, but I like it.

I watched PBS’s Wuthering Heights last night. Now, this is a book that I’ve only read once because I disliked it so much (I prefer Charlotte Bronte). It was a good adaptation (from what I recall), but I swear they cut some scenes. It was in 2 parts (I watched the first last last Sunday), and we had left off with Heathcliffe digging up Catherine’s grave and lying with her skeletal remains (very creepy). The movie turned to flashback, which was fine and we got all of their wild childhood and the hatred between H and Hindley, Edgar and Catherine’s marriage etc. This bit last night was just an hour and finished off Catherine’s illness during her pregnancy and her scampering about the moors 9 months gone in her shimmy etc, but then it suddenly jumped to 18 years later and Catherine Jr is getting married to Linton–whom we barely see again (he was dying when he got hitched) and Hareton is never really explained–I had to go to Wikipedia because I didn’t remember him at all.

The costumes, settings, dialogue etc were all excellent as all British dramas are, but the editing was jumpy. It was aggravating.

Last thing: I didn’t realize (I last read this when I was about 15 and as sexually unaware as a potted plant)–there really is no sex in WH. Oh, H and C “tryst”, but that is not what drives them. It’s more of a creepy emotional codependency–and it ruins two generations. If I could wade through the prose, I might have to give WH another try–twisted psychodynamics is right up my alley!
I want to see Doubt, and a French film about immigrant boys in a classroom that got raves at Cannes (cannot recall title). I have no interest in Benjy Button, but I have a dislike of Brad Pitt.