Seinfeld Challenge - Name 100 Characters

The Wiz, who starred on commercials for his electronics store and who also dated Elaine:

“I’m The Wiz! And nobody beats The Wiz!”

Rhisa (?Costanza?)

“Let’s be bad, George. Let’s be really really bad…”


There was this character called “Jerry Seinfeld”, you may remember him… ?


Nope. What episode did he appear in? :smiley:

Art Vandelay

I think he should count. Very important charater

I should say so, he was the judge in the finale . . .

Cousin Jeffrey (sp?), you know, the one that works for the Parks Dept.

…and his dad Uncle Leo.

His name is Feldman. Where did you get Vargas from? :confused:
I nominate FDR (Franklin Delenor Romanosky.)

Yes, that was it.

They were arguing over who got to be O’Brien.

How come you get to be O’Brien?

Come on George, you don’t look like an O’Brien.

I can be an O’Brien!!

Oh, now I realize. You are thinking of Fargus, who is the Bizzaro Newman, who works for FedEx.

Sue Ellen Mishke (The O Henry candy bar heiress)

No one has said “Elaine Benice” yet?!?! What the hell is wrong with you people

Elaine Benice

Quote for Elaine - “Its in the vault”

No one has said Cosmo Kramer or George Costanza either. They are so obvious, it’s a given they’ll be in by the end.

Who was that Trinidadian (and Tobaggan) marathon runner who was Elaine’s friend and who Jerry made late for his marathon? He quaffed Kramer’s hot tea at the end.

Yeah, him.


How about the really ugly baby? He wasn’t seen on-camera, but sure was talked about a lot!

Marisa Tomei.

Psst – Benes.

Roger Ipswitch from accounting at the Peterman catalogue.

“It’s a kind of rat.”