Sequential Threads II: The Quickening

In GQ;

How to help your child stop making careless errors in math?
Wet Cordless Phone

In GQ:

Squirrels are tasty…

McDonalds “dietary information”

Just now here in MPSIMS:

**I warmed butter in my boobies
Nice Big Ripe Melons. **

It doesn’t get any sequentialler than that!


Ask the cop
Which motorcycle to buy?

Now in MPSIMS (I’m so sorry):

Parent or Doc Dopers: Baby that won’t sleep, friend exhausted, tips?

Nice Big Ripe Melons.

Oh, the GQ list has shuffled it, so now it’s:

How do Koala’s taste?
McDonalds “dietary information”

Ask Qadgop’s Kid!
Which motorcycle to buy?


Bying (sic) Macintosh: how much to spend on it? Worth it?
Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Done?
(Hey, it was there!)

Curves for Women?
What Should I Put On My Boss’s Computer?

Terrifying insect experience
Ok I got a problem with a girl, anyone care?

Boring, sad head of hair…
What to Do with Spray Paint?

The Generation X Cicadas Are Coming! The Generation X Cicadas Are Coming!
All hail the Secret Masters

Wow! I just stared down a hummingbird!
Was that you, Libertarian?

How easy it is to live a lie
Yep, four kegs aught to do it…


Doper freak show
Low Brain Pressure
Terrifying insect experience

BBQ Pit:

Creationist Theme Park?!?!?!
higher education in Kentucky

Recommend Noise Canceling Headphones
Which motorcycle to buy?

When a beggar shows up on the front steps
Central PA Dopefest?

Arrested Development Appreciation Thread
Worst Punishment for a Hip Hop Fan