Series you've recently watched, are now watching or have given up on

This show is almost, but not quite, great. The characters and actors are great fun, lots of individually entertaining moments. And lots of genuine drama. The actress who plays the young Oxford-bound woman is particularly good.

That said… there are a fair number of points where the plot just doesn’t make sense, or pushes all bounds of plausibility. People act in genuinely unbelievable ways to advance the plot. And it’s an otherwise good enough show that I can’t really wave that off the way I could if it was, say, 24.

Yeah, the drug dealer with the heart of gold is a bit difficult to swallow.

I see now everyone is on Season 2, which I didn’t even realize was out. Is Season 1 self contained or is the same plot continued in Season 2?

For me it’s an ok show, I’m three episodes in, but if it’s dragged out to another season I may just drop it.

Season 1 is self-contained I would say. You could stop at the end of it and feel that the stories were addressed.

Yeah, I think the show is a bit weirdly paced in that the first episode makes you think there’s going to be a lot of heist-y action and capers and whatnot… then it slows WAY down and becomes a character study of all the people involved. Quite an entertaining character study, imho, but not quite what I was expecting initially.

Thanks. Watched another two episodes last night so I will probably finish out the season at this point.

This sums up exactly my feelings. Maybe my expectations were too high.

I think I was expecting something silly when I first started watching it, and it’s not really the zany caper I thought I would get. Once I realized that and reset, I really liked it.

Finally got around to series (season) 25 of Silent Witness. They brought back Sam Ryan for the anniversary.

Um, it wasn’t … all that good. Messy, stupid, etc. The norm for SW is one crime/episode unless it’s a “travel” thing. Sometimes the usual Big Bad background story while they went about solving the regular crimes.

This series had one overall story arc with two of the six episodes randomly focusing on regular deaths. Huh? Plus they went the “a cast member thought someone from their past was dead but they weren’t (sort of)” trope. Twice. As in two times. Plus an additional not-thought-to-be-dead-but-nearly-the-same person from someone’s past.

Like the 2021 season of Murdoch Mysteries, something about COVID or what not just dragged the quality of the shows down.

I checked out the first episode of A League of Their Own on Amazon Prime and was somewhat underwhelmed. I didn’t hate it, but I wish I’d liked it more.

Nowhere near the charm of the movie, and they didn’t do a great job of capturing the period. The opening episode felt rushed and a bit disjointed.

However, there are a few appealing characters, and some thematic elements that may have promise. If it settles into a groove it could become quite good. I’ll stick with it and report back.

Thanks, @Wheelz ! I really like D’arcy Carden, so I was hoping it would be good.

D’arcy is the wisecracking street-smart girl from New Yawk, and she plays it pretty over-the-top. I suspect there is more to her, though. How her character goes will likely be a barometer for my overall opinion of the series. We shall see.

We watched the first season of Love, Death and Robots, and thought it was just ok. I can’t remember if we watched season 2. But season 3 popped up in our list and we started watching, and it’s great! They are all short stories, mostly around 15-20 minutes per episode, so an easy watch if you don’t want to start a full show.

It’s apparently India Week on Netflix, as we see the return of these 2 series:

Never Have I Ever (3rd and final season). If you’re wondering where to find a 30 minute sitcom that’s genuinely LOL funny, and also very sweet-natured: this is it.

Indian Matchmaking (2nd season). “Reality” series about a woman who matches up single and good-looking Indians, both in the US and in India. Surprisingly fascinating.

The second episode was much more focused than the first.

Nick Offerman comes in and does his Nick Offerman thing as the team’s manager, which is fun. D’arcy Carden is getting a bit more to sink her teeth into. And the parallel story line of the black girl who desperately wants to play is taking more shape (she may be my favorite character).

My biggest peeve is that the dialogue feels way too modern for 1943. It isn’t badly written per se, but whenever somebody says something like “You got this” or “that was lame” or something to that effect, it takes me out of the moment a bit.

Still, I’m kinda liking it as far as a TV adaptation of a beloved film goes, and since I’m already a quarter through the 8-episode season, I’m sure I’ll finish it out.

I’ve watched the first three episodes. The reveal at the end of the 2nd episode…Holy Canoli. Sometime if they tell you “You’re not ready for the truth,” maybe you should believe them. :grimacing: :astonished: :flushed:

Slogged through to the end of season 4 of West World. I should have quit after season 1. I haven’t regretted sticking with a series as much since Lost.

Same. Though the season wasn’t without some interesting elements, I was hoping for a much more satisfying payoff. Instead we got a bunch of moralistic monologuing that wasn’t nearly as deep as they thought it was.

We watched Paper Girls. I was expecting something low stress and vaguely comedic. It really was more Fringe with kids. I’m not sure how I feel about it. If we were using a 5 star rating system, I’d give it a 3. Great cast, very meh script. If you like sci-fi time travel shows, it’s worth a watch.

We just finished this season, and yeah- it’s just fun to watch. The good news is that it’s going to get a fourth season.

I knew a lot of Indian guys who were married via matchmakers. I never asked about the process because it seemed a little intrusive although I was always curious. One guy did describe all his trips around the world “interviewing candidates.”

I saw Mindy Kaling on Colbert, and she said that’s going to be the last season. They’d planned it all out as a four season show.