Sex during her period? (probable TMI)

Woohoo! I get to point to a thread I started some time ago about this very subject.

Sorry, Gundy. I did a search but only went back six months.

I figured that if we hadn’t discussed sex and menstruation more recently than that, then it was time to go around again. I mean, this is an issue we need to examine “periodically,” right?


Being one of those women blessed with an extremely light period, it doesn’t bother either of us at all. We can even indulge in light oral sex. Nothing disgusting about it, especially when there’s no blood to be seen anyway.

I actually don’t mind but the SO doesn’t feel up for it so I’m an “A” and she’s a “C”
Blow job week? HAH! I wish :smiley:

some days i can’t bear to have my breasts, abdomen or bits touched, other days…well, they’re fun.

so mostly A, little bit D.

we’re in it for the whole 9 yards, cunnilingus included.

irishfella doesn’t mind, as long as the lights are off :slight_smile:
yet another reason why i love him.

No need to apologize! Hell, I was happy to be able to link to my own thread for once.

Did a couple of times. We just put a towel on the bed to soak up the messy stuff. She gets quite turned on during her period, and I don’t mind obliging as I’m not that bothered by the sight of blood.

Another vote for “horny time”. That’s why God invented showers and condoms.

I’m not grossed out about blood itself, but for some reason menstruation seems to strike a chord of ickiness with me. I don’t know why, perhaps its because being male I don’t experience menstraution and so I’m not accustomed to it :confused:

I’m male, and I’d go with A. My first time was when she was on her period. I hadn’t really done it (or maybe I just didn’t notice) since then, but a few weeks ago we did a bunch of stuff, including a little bit of cunnilingus. The lights were out, and I didn’t notice she was on her period until I woke up the next morning with some blood on my hands. It wasn’t bad at all, and I doubt I’ll ever be the least bit bothered or hindered by it again.

malkavia, you must be hanging around with the wrong guys, because the majority of guys I know are intensely fascinated by the female body.

Holden, the female body as it pertains to how breasts move and what curves are where, yes… they all seem insanely fascinated… but how ovaries work, what a uterus does, or what kind of consistency does menstrual blood have… they just don’t seem that interested.

It’s all I can do to keep myself from threading a fiber optic camera down a penis to see what does what and how.

Maybe I’m the odd duck out. I’m never sure. :wink:

Now, I’m not at all squeamish about the period, but that’s just…ew.

My husband and I have one especially for that purpose. Neither one of us minds it at all, though he generally forgoes cunnilingus unless the flow is very, very light, but that’s fine with me. I get plenty of it during the rest of the month.

I’m male, and it doesn’t bother me at all.

I’m male and it doesn’t bother me either. Just need to take a shower afterwards, that’s all.

D for me – not done not due to being disgusted but from disinterest. There’s also probably a bit of holdover from our TTC days when period sex was seen as an incredible waste of highly coveted sperm. One of the great joys of pregnancy is sex any old time I don’t feel like puking. And since I’ve been surprisingly puke-free this time around, that’s been pleasantly frequent. :smiley:

I kinda find it disturbing… There are other things to do to get the um… job done.

I am an absolute C, it is (to me) always EWWWWW GROSS but I will on very rare occassions do it reluctantly.

I’ll return to attempting to invent the wheel and create fire now…


They did that on the discovery channel.

A. And fiancee is A as well. Hers starts out light, too, so there’s no need for, ah, break from regular stuff.

It’s just blood…not like there’s anything with teeth there.

FWIW the pulling my ex g/f’s tampon out with my teeth was a huge turn on… I have no idea why… just as I don’t know why she loved guacomale dip on my naughty bits for a little more to eat… we were one strange couple.