Shaven head and earrings

I just spent three hours with my Darling Marcie watching her drink beer in a waterfront dive called The Angry Pepper; during the course of her drinking, she confided that she had always thought I should shave my head, have my ear(s) pierced and wear one or more earrings. She suggested a stud on one side and something that dangles on the other. (Shut up) She suggested that such a radical change in my appearance would serve to sexually arouse her to such an extent that my survival would be in doubt.
I might just do as she suggests. It would certainly cause a lot of comment at the Senior Center and it would make the rabidly republican people I know absolutely foam at the mouth. That alone would make it worth doing.

Seriously, I am tempted. At 68, am I too old for that kind of thing? Or am I old enough not to give a good goddamn what anyone thinks?

What the hell are you waiting for??? Post some before and after pics. Oh, and have fun. Don’t worry about what other folks think.

Go for it! Shaved heads are great. So much less hassle and maintenence. The hot monkey sex is just a bonus.

Do you get to wear a parrot on your shoulder as well?

Yes! Do it! You have no idea how impressed we younger folks are to see our respected elders doing stuff like that. Gives us hope, you see, to see our future selves still defying convention forty years down the road. Not to mention still getting some.

You know, I told her I wanted an eye patch and a parrot; I even suggested a hook to replace my right hand and a peg leg. She said the shaved head and earrings were quite enough, thank you. Some day I’ll tell you guys about a pirate captain and a job interview if you promise not to hurt me.

Was the interviewer part of the company’s H. Arrrrr Department?

I believe I will; I’ve been defying convention for most of my life. Why stop now, right? As to actually getting some, remember that she made that comment after at least two pitchers of beer; people often make rash promises when drinking and later claim to not remember, as in “I never said any such thing!” But, we’ll see. Anyway, I did mention I’m 68, right? Shaving my head might be enough excitement for a couple of months and then I get the thrill of new earrings. Be still my heart.

Now that’s better and much funnier than the damn joke I had in mind. Well stroked.

Just be prepared for the constant comments about looking like Mr. Clean

I wish; Mr. Clean has a good physique and a sly, I-know-something-you-don’t smile; my physique has fallen prey to gravity and my smile makes me look baffled by day-to-day life.

A former neighbor of ours decided, either in his late 60s or early 70s, that he was going to get his ear pierced. He now sports a diamond stud (I think he’s 75.) Didn’t shave his head, tho. He endured a small ration of s–t over it, but what the heck - why not??

I would like to see before-and-after photos, too. Include the rabid republicans if you can!


So… you’ll look like Mr. Clean’s lazy and slightly retarded older brother? :dubious:

Yeah, yeah, stick with the pirate thing. :wink: Change your name to Arrrr-ny.

Absolutely do it.

Who cares what the rabid republicans say, you’ll be getting some!

Definitely go for it! I used to have pink/purple/blue hair when I worked in retail, and I always had little old ladies (in their 80s and 90s) come in and tell me that they really wished they could do something like that, but they were too old. I always told them to go for it, and I say the same to you. You only get to live your life once - why not do something fun?

Absolutely; you are absolutely correct and I think I will, in fact, shave my head and sport an earring. I will work on the before and after pictures.

I have, for most of my life, harbored the conviction that multicolored hair, tattoos, body piercings, outrageous hairdos, outrageous clothes, etc., etc., are nothing more nor less than decorations. As such they do not necessarily define the person so decorated, even though there are many decorations that are definitely not my cup of tea.

I’ll let everyone know when the magical transformation takes place. It might be concurrent with my status as a new unemployed person, but what the hell, right?

My friend, you already know the answer.

Hair grows back (well, perhaps after 60 not so lushly, but…) and piercings heal over, if they’re small.

You have nothing to lose.

Dude, so do it!

The guy I used to date is an old sailor and was 63 this year. He never would get his ear pierced (never did when he crossed the Equator, too bad, and no tattoos, too badder!). Anyhow I always wished he would at least get a pierced ear. (He did have a flattop and that was cool, though.)

Anyhow, if you want to do the shaved head and pierced ears thing and your girfriend or wife would find it cool, why not?

Yes, photos would be very cool to see.

Totally do it.

So many people seem to hit ‘senior citizen’ age and just fade into a bland, colourless ‘old person’ style. I think it’s a terrible thing. Life is made more cheery and interesting by the individuals in it, not by the grumbling, muttering herd.

Go for it mate,I’m a great believer in living until you die,not “Oh I’m too old to do such and such”.

Where I live theres an old bloke in his mid seventies who every W/E goes to clubs and has a good old dance.
I dont think he pulls there but the kids love him,he doesn’t have to buy himself many drinks or even have to pay for a taxi at the end of the night.

Thats the route I’m going down when I’m one of the old and bold.