Shay-na, oh, Sh-ay-na....

You said you’d talk to me anytime in another thread. Great, it would be my pleasure. One question-how? You don’t list your e-mail in your profile. E-mail me with your addy and/or ICQ # and I’ll be glad to chat.

You have mail! :slight_smile:

Shayna, I want to marry you too… where do i get in line? :slight_smile:

Shayna, can I have mail too? I really really wanted to get to know you better. I think you are the coolest person around! :slight_smile:

I like talking to people, and getting e-mail is always fun. I’d like to chat with you sometime, Shayna.

Hey Shayna, once you’ve finished with sailor…

UhOh Shayna, you have opened the floodgates.

Yup, she has.

Email me anytime. I’d love to hear from you, Sharenoir!

Chez Ni Ah is way cool. And I already talk to her on ICQ all the time. But I’m not giving you gerbil squickers her ICQ#. Ha! She’s all mine, MWUHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!

She may be yours, but she prefer Jewish. :slight_smile:

Ok, sailor, pepperlandgirl, Monster, Iguana Boy & SealedWithAKiss, you all have mail.

Narile, yours didn’t seem like an actual request, so you do not have mail.

handy, you’ve already received mail from me before.

And ColdCuts, you little shit disturber, you have definitely got my number, baby! Mmmm-Hmmm.

Thank you all for wanting to correspond with li’l ol’ me. I only have one request, and I’ll make it publicly so all can see it. Please, I beseech you, absolutely, positively no FWDs under any circumstances. I hate them. They clog my inbox and I can’t get to the real letters from people wanting to talk to me. Not even any hilarious jokes or .gif images. Please. If they’re that hilarious that you just have to share them, come post them to MPSIMS and I’ll read them or see them here.

I really and truly appreciate this. Thank you very much in advance. And I’m looking forward to chatting with all of you.

P.S. Just bear with me as I’m still mourning the loss of my very dear friend, Wally and may be slow to reply.

Let’s rename this thread the Shayna Fan Club.

Can I sign up too?

Well, apparently I was wrong. Iguana Boy, you do not have mail.

And dpr, thank you. :slight_smile: ::blushing:: I will send you mail shortly.

dpr, you have mail. :slight_smile:

Shayna, if I do not get to correspond with you, I shall forever have schmutz on my punum. Oy, gevalt!

Master Cylinder, you have mail. :smiley:

Hey Shayna, is half-Jewish good enough for you? :slight_smile:

Well my mail seems to be working OK now, although there definitely was a problem as I got a whole rush of stuff last night.

If you still have problems you can also try

Look forward to hearing from you.

Well my mail seems to be working OK now, although there definitely was a problem as I got a whole rush of stuff last night.

If you still have problems you can also try

Look forward to hearing from you.

hey Shayna, add me to your ICQ list, if you like. My number is listed in my profile.
If you don’t wanna. Thats ok. I will just sit here in the corner and eat my pie.
