Shiver Me Timbers...

'Tis International Talk Like a Pirate Day, ye scurvy dogs, arrr. Abaft the mizzen yardarms, keel haul the lubberly lubbers, and tip yer maties the Black Spot, arr. Fer the day, I be Plank Monkey Eugene, arr.

Avast, me hearties!


Ye scurvy dogs don’t deserve so fine a cartoon link as this, but avast, here it is anyway:

I’m off pirates. My brilliant grand niece is now dating an adult male who routinely dresses up like Captain Jack Sparrow and goes out in public. It’s a bit too fey for my liking.

Why I’m not a pirate

So, are you saying the rule in this thread requires talking like a pirate?

… or I’ll keelhaul the lot o’ ye!
(Incidentally, there is this…arrrr)

Arrrrr! Ye be a bit late to the party, me bucko.

As much as Oi’d like to chat, this scurvy mutt must be visi’in’ the poopdeck.

Additional poirate thread 2 down the page; prepare fer boardin’.

Arrrr, me apologies, Cap’n Shodan… I started this

Yarr, I be seeing that, Mods, if you merge, I’ll give ye a share of me gold!

Gettin’ harder and harder to make a livin’, now’days, me foin bucko.

Arrgh … ‘tis me favorite day o’ the year, ya scurvy dogs!

That’ll do just fine, matey, but if you try to double cross me, you’ll walk the plank!

Me heartiest thanks, Mad Eyedel Thoughts! Here’s yer gold & some chocolate too! Arrrr!
(An’ I guess I even forgive ya for posting about that trimps game! Arrr!)

Pirates…ugh; all morons, and they smell bad, too.

Arr, arr, 'tis stressful indeed. None of the landlubbers in Ye Olde Status Meeting this morn had a divvil of an ideer about ITLaPDay. They should be clapped in irons, the lot of 'em. Although 'tis sure they read me status report with extra attention, arr.

And Cap’n janis_and_her_blackguard_c0 confused me sore, aye, that she did. Linking back to me own thread caused me eyepatch to fall off, aye, that it did, arr.

Plank Monkey Eugene, arr

Yarr, it never gets old, me hearties!:

Pirate day comes around faster than Christmas does!!

I’m sailing away…