Shoes dangling from powerlines? That's sooo yesterday!

Here in Portlandia we’ve got hundreds of pairs of brightly coloured dildos dangling from our powerlines. :smiley:

That is…odd.

That is…Portland.

Y’know, it’s bad enough having to watch out for rainwater dripping off the powerlines…

They ain’t the real thing, dukey butt.

And there ain’t that much of the other stuff.

For Portland? That isn’t even close to odd. If it wasn’t for visitors and tourists I don’t think anyone would have really noticed.

I know. What a Dick Move…!

They’re selling street viagra.

We were discussing this last night. A inexpensive dildo wholesale is $6 or so. These don’t look really pricey (said my dildo expert) but they didn’t look bottom of the line either. Assuming you have someone who can get wholesale dildos, there is a thousand bucks invested here at least.

What else are you going to do with them when you’re done with them? It’s not like you can donate them to Goodwill…

The quality of dildo is not strained;
They droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

I told my wife about this yesterday.

We will be driving through Portland tomorrow.

Wonder if that’s why she had that grin on her face all evening.

Well, thank Og that’s just a dildo…

Could you imagine how dangerous 765 kV could be in a vibrator!?

Well, we’re going to Portland in a few weeks, after just returning from there (taking our daughter to a summer art program). No dildos in sight.

Of course, this might be related to the fact that we were at the one in Maine, not the one in Oregon… :stuck_out_tongue:

Take away their goddamn airport carpet, and this is the kind of thing they have to resort to.

In Junior High School, Mrs. Halley taught us that the Pilgrims landed in Salem, Oregon.

Around here the men are hung so the dildos don’t have to be.

You’ve checked this out for yourself, or your Wife told you?

I suppose it’s one way to put a bird on it.

Um, we read a lot?

Actually, my wife is free to check out any other man’s equipment. As soon as she wears mine out! :stuck_out_tongue: