Shopping channel snark

I am creating this thread for a bunch of refugees of a recently shuttered snark forum. Everyone is welcome, of course.

Snark away my friends.

How do you snark something so appallingly…

I mean, it’s like trying to snark WalMart or Happy Meals.

Oh, it’s fun. Believe me.

Many thanks, Honey! Let the snarking begin again! :slight_smile:

It’s good to see a family member. Did you pass the word along? There were so many I couldn’t notify.

Yep, I’m working on it! :slight_smile:

I kinda like those Honora coin sterling initial necklaces.


Am I doing this right?

hi, all.

The former snarkglutton has signed up with a new name. They would not accept my old name.

I am here. Registration took a little time, but I made it.

Why am I getting flashbacks to Eternal September?

Just kidding. Snark away, uh… ladies.

When I have the need to be awed and struck brain-dead simultaneously, I watch them sell gold jewelry. I can usually last around 15 minutes, during which the amazing hosts have used an incredible number of adjectives to sell almost identical gold necklaces. Their enthusiasm and ability to maintain a straight face is mind-boggling.

Really, they should give awards for their performances. :smiley:

I had a feeling somebody might create another place for shopping channel snark, so I googled just that–“shopping channel snark” and got directed here! LOL.

I figured a lockdown at the other place was bound to happen. Wonder if it’s going to be permanent?

Wow…that was brutal! Glad to see you, ladies!

Friedbaloney, good to know it turned up easily with a google. Hoping others will do that as well. I am PMing people there to let them know, but bound to miss some…and of course, lurkers. I will consider you “PMd” already then. Hee.

ETA: Glad you made it too, Sunflowers!

Made it here too. Was surprised my username was available considering how long this board has been around. I’ve ended up reading stuff here a few times over the years when it would come up in searches when Googling.

I’m so glad I resisted the urge to buy whirlygig’s (Graver’s) TSV “puffer coat”. The reviews are BAD! Sizing off, lining of sleeves hanging out of cuffs, snaps not lined up right, hoods too small—even some complaints about the coat making too much noise!

What gets me, is how in the midst of all the 1-2 star reviews, all of a sudden there’ll be a 5 star proclaiming: "THIS IS THE BEST COAT EVER! PERFECT FIT!! LOVE SUSAN GRAVER COATS! GOING BACK AND BUYING THE REST OF THE COLORS!!!

And then when you click on the person’s id to read their reviews for other items, oh gee, guess what? THEY HAVE NO OTHER REVIEWS. Their lovefest for dotty’s latest crapola is the one and only review they’ve ever posted. Hmmm…seems kind of suspicious to me. Wonder if dotty practices damage control by having her minions sign up for Q accounts and head straight for the ‘write a review’ page?

So glad to see you have all made it. I wonder where Puddy is?

Do you own any Honora pieces, Honey? I have been eyeing the charm bracelet but the reviews are so-so. Just wondering if anyone else has been displeased with the line.

I actually don’t, but I think that initial necklace is really pretty. It helped that Ant looked nice today, and her nails were manicured.
While I’m giving out compliments, Carolyn looks good too.

And now Tara with Temptations knives…wtf…really?