Should I be concerned? 😯

I just noticed this when I went to my Twitter feed:

Politics ¡ Trending
Big T
People are referring to former president Trump as Big T
166K Tweets

Let me say that I have never even been to Mar-a-Lago.

(My insistence that you don’t include the space means a bit more now.)

Am unconvinced.


I always spell trump’s name with a lower-case ‘t’ on these boards because other than his physical girth and the enormity of his lies, everything else about him is extremely small- his intellect, his compassion for others, his trustworthiness, his capacity to grow and change and learn from mistakes, etc. etc. So to me he will always be “small t”.

So long as you’re not recommending injecting yourself with bleach, or advocating that folk armies with pitchforks and body armor storm your local Town Hall, I think you’ll be just fine.

On the other hand, are you unnaturally orange?

I did think of you when I saw it trending.


You’ll always be The BigT.

Nah, Melania’s ball and chain should be called Low T

I may not always agree with you, but I would never deign to insult you in such a manner.

I think the mods should meticulously check this out. I’ve noticed that most of your posts are pro BigT. Maybe even all of them. Can you offer us any proof that you are not Big T? Maybe a photo with both of you in it, golfing in Scotland.

So do I!!

Oh, Big T.
Just don’t get orange hair and comb it weird.
Or grow tiny hands.

You’ll be ok.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

You’re misreading

It’s Big shiTshow

It could stand for Big Twat.

If you want it to.

She says with a smiley who has grown tiny orange hands… :wink:

Actually this one looks more like Trump mocking that handicapped reporter.
