I’m new here, and nobody knows me, so take this for what it’s worth.
First, I’m insanely compulsive about being on time, even when it doesn’t matter in the least. My friends make fun of me for it. I know it’s silly. And it drives me batty when people are late. I have, or had, zero tolerance for lateness, again even in situations where it doesn’t matter at all. I recognize that this is my problem, and I’ve worked, with a fair amount of success, on it.
Second, my absolute bestest friend in the whole world, a person who is smart and intelligent and just plain good to the core, someone who I love more than any girlfriend I’ve ever had (she’s a woman, I’m a guy, roughly the same age) couldn’t be on time to save her life. Never has been, never will be.
So. . . I think in fairness, you’ve got to give the guy a pass (this time), especially if you hadn’t made it clear to him how important timeliness is to you. If he was supposed to come over to your place, but not, say, to watch a movie, or to eat a meal that required complex, well-timed preparation, he may simply have thought, hey, I’m really looking forward to seeing Kytheria, and as soon as I can get there, I will. Or maybe the time just got away from him. Not everyone has an internal clock.
It would be a one-time pass, of course. But still, people experience time, and manage it, in different ways. Chronic lateness isn’t always evidence of lack of respect for another’s time. Sometimes it is, of course – I’ve known people who were like that, where lateness was just a way of establishing dominance – but it isn’t always like that.