Should I change my SDMB username?

I didn’t want to take up valuable IMHO space with this thread, so I put it in MPSIMS. I mean, this isn’t going to enlighten anyone except me, and it’s not really a poll, per se, so I figure this is the appropriate place.

Anyway, as of late, I haven’t been feeling particularly angelic. This is partially because I’ve been a bit bitchy to the blood relatives as of late. Also, the name makes me sound a lot nicer than I actually am; it sometimes strikes me as a bit self-serving.

On a slightly more serious note…I tend to post in a lot of threads that either ask the opinion of non-Christian posters, or that focus on Wiccan/Pagan beliefs. While I am not strictly 100% not-Christian, I do think that my username can be quite…misleading…when it comes to these threads. I could potentially see it as becoming a liability if credibility is ever called into question.

So…should I change it? If so, why? If not, why not? Am I already too mentally tied to this name, or will nobody really notice?

I’m considering changing my username to Gabriel (as it reflects the reason I changed my name). Would that be overly confusing, seeing as I’m a chick?


Fallen Angel of the Lord? :slight_smile:

You could be Lucifer!


Please let’s don’t have another person change their user name! I know you now. Will I know you later? I donno’.

“Gabriel” is one of the lord’s angels, or so they say. What would such a change accomplish, other than add confusion due to the gender issue?

On the other hand, if a change would make you happy, it is your name…Carry on.

Yeah, AOTL sounds a bit loony…

I mean even for SD…

Gabriel seems pretty uninspired. It still has all the same angelic connotations, plus the gender-confusion issue, plus lack of recognition, which at least is something that AOTL has. I know you as Angel of the Lord, and I knew this thread was yours when I saw “Angel of the Lord” next to it. If you changed your name, it would take a while before I remembered it, and I wouldn’t have even bothered opening this thread if it had been by a user I didn’t “know”. Other people would also take some time to catch on.

These aren’t reasons not to change your user name, rather just my opinion of your idea. If it makes you happy, go for it.

I like your name, Angel of the Lord. It’s got this grandiose, epic flavor to it, which stands in contrast to your posting style, which is more accessible and down-to-earth. And no pious Christian girl would ever call herself something as blasphemous as “Angel of the Lord”, so I don’t think you should have to worry about “credibility” problems.

Your username reminds me of Neil Gaiman’s short story Murder Mysteries, which is my absolute favorite. I’d miss your name if you changed it.

However, IMO you should go with the name you feel most comfortable in. That matters most of all.

Change it to AOLusarLOLgrrlrockstarpunkgirll.

Just for me, please?

How about Loogie?

I don’t see why it’s a problem, but if this is a concern why have a bible verse for your location?

Yes. I think you should change it to Juice Newton’s smash hit, Angel of the Morning.

How about Gabriella? :smiley:

It strikes me as a fundie-ish name ala His4Ever, if that isn’t what you are going for then yeah, I’d find something that fits you better. JMHO, of course.

I agree with Slainte.

That said, I wonder why you have to ask us.
It’s your name.

How about Angel of the Board? :slight_smile:

Keep it. The Christian newbies will think it’s religion-based, and may get a wake-up from the content of your post. Gabriel just doesn’t make it for you. Besides which, who else on this board can we shorthand the name of to AOL when Pitting him/her? :wink:

How about something that retains the essential you as we know you yet loses the confusing connotations for folks new to you?