Should the USA annex Alberta?

Alberta is the Texas, the Kentucky, possibly the Venezuela, or maybe the Saudi Arabia of Canada: a petro-state where the Conservatives always win elections.

Of all of Canada, Alberta seems the most in line with mainstream US-American culture, which is to say very right-wing, Christianist, GOP-style, anti-environmentalist, and Reaganite. It attracts great numbers of Yanks to work in its oil industry.

Ted Cruz, who is either a parody of a don’t-mess-wit’-Texas conservative or in actuality an extreme form of one, was born there. Steve Harper, the Ronald Reagan of Canada, is from there.

Alberta is either the great bulwark keeping Canada from becoming, y’know, a European social democracy, or culturally a part of the USA in Canada by mistake.

So, I ask you: Should the USA annex Alberta? This is a serious question.

I say yes. Because this will affirm both Ted Cruz and Steve Harper as the Americans they really are. Hey, Steve Harper could even be President!

No. One Texas in the U.S. is enough.

Also, this looks more like a poll than a debate. If a debate (as opposed to just squabbling) does not occur, soon, this will be moved to IMHO.

Does Alberta want to be annexed? Does Canada want to get rid of it? I doubt we want to waste hundreds of dollars and tens of men in a war with Canada.

No thankyou!!!

The U.S. would destroy itself in trying to take any part of Canada by force.

We have to fight them there so we don’t have to fight them here.

Perhaps we should annex the maritimes. Of all of Canada, they seem most in line with New England culture.

Sometimes you have to destroy a nation (or steal a little piece of it anyway) to save it. We’d be doing it for God, Baseball and APPLE PIE AND THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF ALL THAT OIL!!! I LOVE this plan!


(There isn’t a serious answer to this…not only doesn’t Alberta want to be part of the US, we don’t really want to expand either, and our relationship with Canada is about as close as to any nation on earth, so I doubt there is anything that either country would want to do to jeopardize that)

You forgot to mention Hot Dog Sandwiches.

Didn’t work out so well in Iraq - except for investors in some US stocks - so hell yeah, got to get it right some time.

Let me just adjust my portfolio first.

They’re not even a real country anyway!

I hope the US tries to invade in winter. It’ll be their Stalingrad.

Sorey, I came to this thread late. Can anyone tell me what it is all aboot, eh?

We already have a barren, frigid petro-state of our own (North Dakota), so it’s not worth our while to invade Alberta.

Besides, I hear those Mounties fight dirty.

How, invade?

Why would we do that to the people of Alberta?

They’d be begging Canada to take them back damned quick once people got an ER or hospital bill.

With their hockey hullabaloo, and that bitch Anne Murray, too!

By your logic, should Canada annex Washington state or Vermont? Those two states are similar to Canada.