Appears this is no longer “on” by default.
Appears this is no longer “on” by default.
Well…right. Of course.
And thank you for not pointng me in the direction of MPSIMS. :smack:
I made sure there were zero characters in the signature field of my profile to avoid having to uncheck the box all the damn time.
I wonder if restoring my .sig will put it under every post I’ve made the upgrade?
Goodgawdawmighty, Larry Mudd, not only can I not comprehend what your signature means, but I need a magnifying glass to read it! And that’s with my glasses on!!! :eek:
I’ll never remember to check it, except for maybe this post. Enjoy it while you can
I just wish that your sig didnt’ change on everything you posted to when it is changed because I sometimes change my sig because of a specific thread.
I can’t. I wiped mine back when it posted automatically all the time. I found that quite annoying.
Goddamn hamsters anyway
Sure, why not.
wanders down to the little checkbox
I prefered it when I didn’t have to click on the box to make my sig show. But I guess I’m in the minority.
My sig line’s from the back of a t-shirt I have… I have no idea who the quote is tho.
My sig just reflects my recent name change. I’ll give it a little while longer, then I’ll change the sig back to something interesting.
Too bad it makes the change all the way back to the beginning of time, making all my posts have the same sig. Oh well.
:smack: I know I clicked the box! I swear I did!
Does it unclick itself if I preview?
Yes, it does. That’s odd and annoying.
I went without a sig until I stole mine from a poster on another message board. I did tell him I was stealing it, but I didn’t tell him what for. He wasn’t using it as a sig though.
Mine is simple.
I disagree, lib.
I like cheese.
We of the Air Rational Guard are telling ludicrous lies about Hannity until he stops his daily lying. He’ll probably keep lying, so we’ll have to keep lying about him.