My husband and I hate the ''nother one?" game. Specifically because when those words are spoken, it means I’m up until 2.00am watching another episode of some addictive tv series we’ve bought or borrowed. So far, our addictions have been Deadwood, Sopranos, Dexter, Scrubs, Carnivale, Prison Break, The Tudors, Rome and now we have had a sneak peek on DVD of Life on Mars. The DVD was free with Rolling Stone magazine and has us completely hooked. We watched the entire third season of Prison Break on New Years Day (because we were too hungover and tired to move from the loungeroom floor). What say you Dopers - what has you hooked? We tried The Wire but couldn’t get past disc 2. Supernatural is on our list to try too. Please offer up your suggestions as it’s too hot to sleep and it’s overrated anyway.
Definitely Curb Your Enthusiasm!
The Wire. We just finished Season 3 tonight. We’ve been watching all 3 episodes on some of the DVDs in one sitting, which is bad.
I came in to mention the Wire. I tore through season 3 so quickly that I didn’t really get to enjoy it as much as I would have if I had spaced out the viewing a little more.
Pretty much any TV series that I missed the first run, but watched in it’s entirety later on DVD is like this. In large part because- you really just don’t have to wait- Cliffhanger? What Cliffhanger? Next Episode- PLAY!!!
So much power!
Among the shows that had the most powerful effect on me in terms of staying up longer than was good for me… The Soprano’s, The West Wing and Arrested Development.
HBO shows are bad too… because they’re about 1/3 again longer than a regular network show (all the commercial time), so it takes quite a bit longer to go through.
Season one of Heroes. Also, Chuck.
Six Feet Under. Watch it, you won’t regret it.
Lately USA has been running strings of House. I DVR them all and watch them one after another.
Aussie soap opera Prisoner (Prisoner: Cell Block H)
Entourage was my addiction. Also, West Wing, 30 rock, and Rome. Supernatural is OK, but just in small doses for me.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, X-Files (up until Duchovny left), 30 Rock, Supernatural, Life on Mars (the original British version, haven’t seen the American remake), Psych.
See, I don’t call it an “addiction”, I call it “watching a show.” Shows I watch, I watch every episode until they end or until I stop enjoying them. Shows I don’t watch, I don’t watch at all. With the possible exception of* Law & Order* - which is a form of televised snack - everything on TV falls into one of those two groups.
Watching a show is like reading a book. You don’t read chapters at random.
Battlestar Galactica, The Wire and Rome were the ones that were like crack to me. I couldn’t just watch one episode. I wish I’d spaced them out so I could have enjoyed them longer.
I second the Six Feet Under recommendation. Terrific show.
Prison Break, particularly seasons 1 & 2.
The Big Bang Theory. I watched this show from the ho-hum beginning, and it has caught fire.
Comcast On demand has been running sex and the City , the Sopranos, Curb your Enthusiasm, Six Feet under and Rome to name a few continuously. I now have seen SATC, Sopranos and Rome at least three times start to finish.
BIg Love is starting to get ahold of me, and Ruby on lifestyle. Ruby makes me laugh and her accent is great and I love Savannah. Yes I’m addicted to watching the dieting ups and downs of a 400lb excuse me 390 lb woman! Now get the helicopter outta here
Burn Notice. I have a lot of catching up to do when I get home.
Doctor Who, Dexter, House. Many times I’ve watched multiples episodes of those shows in a row because you just. can’t. stop!
Any show I like that I can watch on DVD or online, multiple episodes in a sitting.
A couple years ago I was trying to finish Queer as Folk. I had started it with friends but it took forever to get through the first few seasons. I got season 4 DVDs for Christmas that year, and had a day soon after with absolutely nothing to do. I watched that show from when I woke up until I went to bed pretty much. Like 14 hours maybe? 12? Something ridiculous.
I’ve done marathons of the Office and House before.
When the bf and I started Californication over New Years we finished the two seasons in a few days. Did Undeclared in 2 days. I had a freshly broken toe and wasn’t mobile outside the house.
Back when the bf and I started Six Feet Under…wow. We watched that show all the time. Whenever we got to see each other, we’d do 2 or more episodes.
Used to watch all the CSI marathons on Spike when I was first getting into the show. They used to have weekend-long ones and I’d watch a lot. A friend freshman year of college got that boring show the OC on DVD, and made us watch it with her for a whole weekend to finish it. Luckily we had vodka.
I loooove TV on DVD. I hate waiting a week to find out what’s gonna happen, and I often forget when shows are on and miss them. And TV shows with running storylines I must prefer to watch all at once or at least have them all on deck so I still remember everything going on and whatnot.
It’s so nice to be retired. I’ve been able to marathon The Wire, Buffy, Angel, Firefly, and American Gothic. I can’t marathon Deadwood – I love it but two episodes and I’m exhausted.
DellieM, The Wire is worth another try. The pieces take awhile to fall together. Disc 2 isn’t enough time. Your patience will be rewarded – I guarantee it.