Slap your elbow!

Did anyone else catch Angry Boys from the wonderful Chris Liley? I love that subtle kind of humor. I just caught the final episode and i gotta admit it was incredibly moving, I’ve been fighting breaking out into “squashed nigger” all day.

That show cracks me up!
The guinea pigs and superman pyjamas, “Skating Gaystyle!”, Fat boy surf school, Danthan industries etc.

Chris Lilley totally sells the characters, and the final scene of the last episode (from Nathan’s perspective) is tearjerking.

Love it!

Lilly is a genius. I loved Summer Heights High, his previous effort, but liked Angry Boys even more.

Never heard of it before this, but now I’ve gotta go find it!

The look on Nathan’s face is so perfect. I had to listen to some Soulja boy earlier and i bust out laughing at how close to S.mouse that crap is.

Check out the Wiki page for plot summary etc. It doesn’t capture the genius, but it does give an overview.

You do forget you’re watching Lilley…especially S.Mouse, a rapper currently on house arrest at his parents’ home after defecating on a police car, and struggling to come up with ideas for his “difficult” second album, after the smash success of “Slap your Elbow” ( which had a dance and is exactly what you think it is).

I adore this show. I’ve just re-watched a few episodes, and I have to ask…is anyone else getting a creepy subtextual vibe with Gran? The kid who’s picture she wears in her locket, who killed himself in isolation on her watch… and then handing out blankets to two kids in isolation, almost seeming like she wanted it to happen again. And who did kill that guinea pig, anyway? Was it one of the boys…or her, in the hopes of luring her favorite into a confrontation that would send him to isolation?

No, I didn’t get that at all. All of Grans issues were a result of her Alzheimer’s, probably the guinea pig was a result of that also. She gave the kids the blankets because it was going to be a cold night and she simply forgot it was dangerous and against the rules.

::::Well, I never!:::

::::Storms off in a huff!:::::

Nathan you prick, stop pissing on me!