I have a class assignment where I need to discuss the ethics/morals of a controversial issue. What do you think about slut shaming?
…and this is a game…how?
how do you feel about this topic? do you think it’s right or wrong?
Well, I do think it is a weird topic for a game (seeing as you posted it in the Thread Games forum). Although I’ve played weirder games…
Well, the game could consist of slut-shaming phrases? Anyone want to start?
The only winning move is not to play.
Well OP how do you define slut shaming, is there some criteria?
Slut is an anagram of lust.
I’m against it, and by calling it “slut shaming” I think most of the replies you get will be against it, too. The more difficult part will be getting everyone to agree on what constitutes slut shaming.
anon12, That’s his way of saying you’ve started this thread in the wrong forum. This one is for threads for which the content is, in itself, a game of some sort.
We also have rules against posting just to get us to do your homework. I think it’s okay to ask for opinions, just don’t ask us to write it for you.
Shut shaming/lush matings
Gals stun him
Halt musings
Or even
Us sling math?
Reported for forum change. And homework.
Actually, the OP started a new thread in Great Debates, so this one will probably be closed.
As noted, this is in the wrong forum, and also as noted, there is a duplicate thread. This one is closed.